Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 26-2024/ International Environmental Bulletin No. 26-2024

  • Cập nhật: Thứ hai, 8/7/2024 | 2:46:22 Chiều

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 26-2024.

The Environmental Management Special Section is pleased to present to our valued readers the International Environmental Bulletin No 26-2024, featuring the following key topics: 

Về quản lý môi trường

- Đánh giá tính bền vững về môi trường của chuỗi gia cầm lấy người tiêu dùng làm trung tâm ở Anh thông qua các phương pháp tiếp cận vòng đời và mô hình mô phỏng hộ gia đình.

- Định lượng lượng phát thải vi nhựa hàng năm của một lưu vực đô thị: Dòng chảy bề mặt và nguồn nước thải.

- Vật liệu gốc xenlulo trong bảo vệ môi trường: Đánh giá phân tích khoa học và trực quan.

- Kiểm soát thời gian thực các hệ thống thoát nước đô thị bằng cách sử dụng tiến hóa thần kinh.

- Thu hẹp khoảng cách: Sự tham gia của công chúng vào phát triển không gian xanh vì tương lai đô thị lành mạnh hơn.

- Xu hướng tạm thời hàm lượng phụ gia nhựa trong lõi trầm tích ba con sông ở Pháp (Loire, Meuse và Moselle) trong thập kỷ qua.

- Nghiên cứu diễn biến không gian, thời gian và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến đô thị hóa và phối hợp nâng cao hiệu quả phát thải carbon: Từ góc nhìn của các nước trên toàn cầu.

- Đánh giá tính dễ bị tổn thương của hệ thống sinh thái xã hội ở vùng sa mạc hóa: Đánh giá, mô phỏng và quản lý bền vững.

- Quản lý thông minh lượng khí thải carbon của nước thải sinh hoạt đô thị dựa trên Internet of Things.
Về môi trường đô thị

- Giám sát nước thải của trường PreK-12 và toàn thành phố về các loại virus đường ruột astrovirus, rotavirus và sapovirus. 

- Các công cụ chính sách có thể nâng cao lợi ích của các giải pháp dựa vào thiên nhiên và hạn chế quá trình đô thị hóa xanh không? Trường hợp Genova, Ý.

- Khám phá các chỉ số sinh học vi sinh vật rừng ngập mặn tiềm năng để đánh giá áp lực đô thị và nông nghiệp trên đảo Martinique ở phía đông biển Caribe.

- Ảnh hưởng của vật liệu dẫn điện gốc cacbon đến quá trình đồng phân hủy kỵ khí bán liên tục phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị và bùn hoạt tính thải.

- Tính chất quang học và lực bức xạ của sol khí cacbon ở thành phố thung lũng dưới nhiệt độ cao liên tục.

- Tiết lộ các mối đe dọa mới: Phân lập vi khuẩn Aeromonas veronii ở sông đô thị với các biến thể β-lactamase phổ rộng VEB-28 bất thường và các biến thể mcr khác biệt.

- Tác động đến chất lượng nước theo không gian và thời gian của tải lượng nitơ từ nguồn điểm so với lưu vực ở cửa sông đô thị hóa.

- Nồng độ hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi được oxy hóa nhẹ trong bầu không khí đô thị ở Đông Địa Trung Hải sánh ngang với nồng độ ở các siêu đô thị.

- Một quy trình dựa trên màng mới để tập trung chất dinh dưỡng từ dòng phụ của Nhà máy xử lý nước thải đô thị thông qua thu giữ carbon dioxide từ khí sinh học.

Về môi trường khu công nghiệp

- Tiến trình nghiên cứu công nghệ xử lý nước thải công nghiệp dựa trên quá trình hấp phụ bề mặt mặt trời kết hợp bay hơi.

- Xử lý tiên tiến nước thải công nghiệp thông qua việc kết hợp ứng dụng sắt sắt và attapulgite.

- Ảnh hưởng của việc bón vôi đến quá trình lọc hydrocacbon thơm đa vòng từ đất công nghiệp kiến tạo bị ô nhiễm hydrocarbon.

- Các nguyên tố Đất hiếm trong lớp đất mặt của một thành phố công nghiệp Nga: Nguồn và đánh giá rủi ro sức khỏe con người.

- Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm và mô phỏng về việc cải thiện tình trạng ô nhiễm bụi than bằng dung dịch nước chứa natri α-alkenylsulfonate và chất hoạt động bề mặt gốc axit amin.

- Hiệu quả và cơ chế tăng cường loại bỏ Sb(V) khỏi nước thải dệt may bằng cách sử dụng các khối sắt trong xử lý sinh học hiếu khí.

- Phân đoạn địa hóa của sắt trong ngành công nghiệp giấy và đất chôn lấp của thành phố: Những hiểu biết sâu sắc về rủi ro sinh thái và sức khỏe.

- Nguy cơ ô nhiễm nước ngầm, ảnh hưởng sức khỏe và quản lý bền vững halocacbon tại các khu công nghiệp điển hình.

- Khung quản lý rủi ro do DEA thúc đẩy để tối ưu hóa các chiến lược chuỗi cung ứng trong ngành dầu mỏ Nigeria.

Hang Sơn Đoòng. Ảnh: baodantoc.vn

Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!

The Environmental Management Special Section is pleased to present to our valued readers the International Environmental Bulletin No 26-2024, featuring the following key topics:  


1. Contrasting platinum trajectories in three major French rivers using dated sediment cores (1910–2021): From geochemical baseline to emerging source signals
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172937


Platinum (Pt) is a Technology Critical Element (TCE) which, since the 1990s, has been mainly used in the industry in catalytic converters for automobile emission control. Previous studies have shown Pt contamination of road-side sediments and surface sediments in urban rivers and lakes but few of them have addressed temporal variations. The present work presents historical Pt concentration trends in 137Cs-dated sediment cores from floodplains or secondary channels at the outlets of three major French watersheds (Loire, Rhone, and Seine Rivers) covering the past ∼110 years, i.e., from the 1910s to 2021. Platinum baseline levels in the sediment were estimated for the Loire River (0.76 ± 0.22 μg kg−1 for the period ∼1910-∼1955) and the Rhone River (1.64 ± 0.41 μg kg−1), and historical Pt variations seem to reflect variations in hydrodynamics and grain size composition. Since the early 2000s, Pt concentrations in the Loire and the Rhone River sediments tend to increase (>2.5 μg kg−1) and were attributed to the use of car catalytic converters, an emerging technology since the 1990s using >50 % of European Pt demand. High and variable historical Pt concentrations (up to 14.6 μg kg−1) in the Seine River sediments may reflect legacy Pt sources due to former anthropogenic activities in this watershed, such as the use of Pt-based catalysts for petroleum refinery since the end of the 1940s, coal handling and precious metals refining, probably concealing the likely presence of an emerging traffic-related Pt signal. This first comparison of historical Pt concentration trends in sediments from contrasting watersheds allows to distinguish signals originating from different natural and anthropogenic sources (background level, historical sources, road traffic).

2. A framework to support localized solid waste management decision making: Evidence from Qatar
Environmental Development, Volume 50, June 2024, 100986


Solid waste management is a pressing global issue, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals 11 and 12. Despite increasing awareness, the annual rise in waste generation is expected to persist for decades. Efficient waste management is crucial for channeling valuable resources into circular economy flows while safeguarding health and the environment. While best practices are informative, localized actions tailored to specific contexts are essential. This study proposes a thematic framework, grounded in techno-policy, to prioritize actions for achieving sustainable solid waste management (SSWM) in Qatar, with potential applicability to other countries. The prioritized recommendations include enhancing research and policy coordination, harnessing value from waste, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and promoting awareness campaigns. The study underscores the significance of private sector training, plastic recycling, and addressing the impact of mega-events on waste management. It identifies key stakeholders, such as researchers, businesses, government, and the community, emphasizing their roles in implementing effective waste management strategies. Challenges, however, arise from the absence of comprehensive and up-to-date open data, hindering a full understanding of recent developments and identification of priority areas for future research. In summary, this study introduces a novel techno-policy-driven framework for prioritizing SSWM actions, emphasizing the need for targeted efforts in diverse contexts to address the escalating global waste challenge.

3. Forest carbon storage and sink estimates under different management scenarios in China from 2020 to 2100
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172076


Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change through carbon storage and sequestration, though environmental change drivers and management scenarios are likely to influence these contributions across multiple spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we employed three tree growth models-the Richard, Hossfeld, and Korf models—that account for the biological characteristics of trees, alongside national forest inventory (NFI) datasets from 1994 to 2018, to evaluate the carbon sink potential of existing forests and afforested regions in China from 2020 to 2100, assuming multiple afforestation and forest management scenarios. Our results indicate that the Richard, Hossfeld, and Korf models provided a good fit for 26 types of vegetation biomass in both natural and planted Chinese forests. These models estimate that in 2020, carbon stocks in existing Chinese forests are 7.62 ± 0.05 Pg C, equivalent to an average of 44.32 ± 0.32 Mg C/ ha. Our predictions then indicate this total forest carbon stock is expected to increase to 15.51 ± 0.99 Pg C (or 72.26 ± 4.6 Mg C/ha) in 2060, and further to 19.59 ± 1.36 Pg C (or 91.31 ± 6.33 Mg C/ha) in 2100. We also show that plantation management measures, namely tree species replacement, would increase carbon sinks to 0.09 Pg C/ year (contributing 38.9 %) in 2030 and 0.06 Pg C/ year (contributing 32.4 %) in 2060. Afforestation using tree species with strong carbon sink capacity in existing plantations would further significantly increase carbon sinks from 0.02 Pg C/year (contributing 10.3 %) in 2030 to 0.06 Pg C/year (contributing 28.2 %) in 2060. Our results quantify the role plantation management plays in providing a strong increase in forest carbon sequestration at national scales, pointing to afforestation with native tree species with high carbon sequestration as key in achieving China's 2060 carbon neutrality target.

4. How do spatial scale-dependent urban and forest areas influence regionally seasonal temperatures in mid-latitude South Korean cities?
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121171


This study aims to investigate the effects of urban and forest areas measured in three dimensions on seasonal temperature over forty years in South Korean cities. We measure the urban and forest areas at the city, neighborhood, and spatially clustered levels in four periods every ten years. Using Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*), this study detects the spatially clustered urban and forest areas. We establish a multilevel regression model to explore the relationship between urban and forest areas measured in three dimensions, as well as seasonal temperatures. The study shows that while spatially clustered urban and forest areas have consistent associations with the four seasonal temperatures, urban and forest areas at the city scale have different associations with the seasonal temperature, depending on the season. When spatially clustered urban areas increase by 10 km2, four seasonal temperatures increase by about 0.0016–0.0067 Celsius degree (°C); on the other hand, when spatially clustered forest areas increase by 10 km2, four seasonal temperatures decrease by about 0.0001–0.0016 °C. At the neighborhood level, urban and forest areas are negatively associated with the four seasonal temperatures. The results of this study can be utilized by urban planners and policymakers to establish land use planning or policy by providing evidence of whether land use plans should be established and at what scales to manage regional thermal environments. To alleviate seasonal warming, we recommend increasing forest areas at the neighborhood and spatially clustered levels and controlling the size of spatially clustered urban areas.

5. Soil water dynamics and deep percolation in an agricultural experimental area of the North China Plain over the past 50 years: Based on field monitoring and numerical modeling
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 928, 10 June 2024, 172367


The unregulated irrigation systems used in the late 20th century have led to increasingly severe deep percolation (DP) in the agricultural irrigation areas of the North China Plain. This has become an important factor limiting the efficient utilization of water resources and sustainable environmental development in these irrigation areas. However, the thick vadose zone is hydrodynamically exceptionally complex. The soil hydrological cycle is constantly changing under the influence of major climate change and human activity, thereby causing changes in DP that are difficult to quantify accurately. Here, the Luancheng Agricultural Irrigation District in North China was selected for a continuous 20-year in situ experiment. Soil-water dynamics were monitored using neutron probes and tensiometers, to determine the complete annual soil-water cycle and the hydrodynamic properties of the thick vadose zone irrigation district. For 1971–2021, DP was simulated using the HYDRUS-1D model and was verified by fitting observed values. Soil water content (SWC) exhibited similar trends in years that differed in terms of the amounts of irrigation and precipitation. The 0–100 cm soil layer was significantly affected by precipitation and other factors, and recharge >60 mm/d caused percolation. DP occurred mostly after irrigation or during the period of intensive precipitation in July–October. The maximum percolation rate was 16.9 mm/d under the present irrigation method. The main factors leading to DP were soil water storage capacity (R2 = 0.86) and precipitation (R2 = 0.54). Under the evolution of irrigation measures in the last 50 years, the average DP has gradually decreased from 574.2 mm (1971–1990) to 435.5 mm (2005–2021). However, a substantial amount of precipitation and irrigation water infiltrated the soil and percolated into the deep soil layer without being utilized by the crop. Therefore, there is an urgent need to consider measures to reduce DP to improve water-use efficiency in agriculture.

6. Community-based assessment of the dynamics of urban landscape characteristics and ecosystem services in the rainforest and guinea savanna ecoregions of Nigeria
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121191


Understanding the dynamics of urban landscapes and their impacts on ecological well-being is crucial for developing sustainable urban management strategies in times of rapid urbanisation. This study assesses the nature and drivers of the changing urban landscape and ecosystem services in cities located in the rainforest (Akure and Owerri) and guinea savannah (Makurdi and Minna) of Nigeria using a combination of remote sensing and socioeconomic techniques. Landsat 8 datasets provided spatial patterns of the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalised difference built-up index (NDBI). A household survey involving the administration of a semi-structured questionnaire to 1552 participants was conducted. Diminishing NDVI and increasing NDBI were observed due to the rising trend of urban expansion, corroborating the perception of over 54% of the respondents who noted a decline in landscape ecological health. Residential expansion, agricultural practices, transport and infrastructural development, and fuelwood production were recognised as the principal drivers of landscape changes. Climate variability/change reportedly makes a 28.5%–34.4% (Negelkerke R2) contribution to the changing status of natural landscapes in Akure and Makurdi as modelled by multinomial logistic regression, while population growth/in-migration and economic activities reportedly account for 19.9%–36.3% in Owerri and Minna. Consequently, ecosystem services were perceived to have declined in their potential to regulate air and water pollution, reduce soil erosion and flooding, and mitigate urban heat stress, with a corresponding reduction in access to social services. We recommend that urban residents be integrated into management policies geared towards effectively developing and enforcing urban planning regulations, promoting urban afforestation, and establishing sustainable waste management systems.

7. Assessing the environmental sustainability of consumer-centric poultry chain in the UK through life cycle approaches and the household simulation model
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172634


Chicken fillets, predominantly encased in disposable plastic packaging, represent a common perishable commodity frequently found in the shopping baskets of British consumers, with an annual slaughter exceeding 1.1 billion chickens. The associated environmental implications are of considerable significance. However, a noticeable gap exists concerning the household-level ramifications of chicken meat consumption, which remains a prominent driver (165 kg per capita) of environmental impacts in the United Kingdom (UK). This study's primary objective is to integrate Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology with insights derived from a spectrum of interventions simulated within the Household Simulation Model (HHSM). The interventions that are simulated are influenced by various consumer behaviours related to the purchase, consumption, storage and disposal of chicken fillets. The overarching aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental consequences associated with each intervention.

The research encompasses eight distinct household archetypes and the UK average, with a focus on discerning differences in their environmental influence. The introduction of shelf-life extension measures leads to a reduction in the overall environmental impacts (in, with reductions ranging from 1 % to 18 %. Concurrently, waste treatment's environmental burdens can be curtailed by 9 % to 69 % for the UK average. Of the 12 interventions tested, the intervention that combines a one-day extension in the shelf life of open packs and a three-day extension for unopened packs leads to the greatest reduction in environmental impacts, at 18 % for the entire process and 69 % for the waste treatment. This intervention is estimated to yield annual reductions of 130,722 t of CO2 emissions across the entire process and 34,720 t of CO2 emissions from waste treatment, as compared to the default scenario. These findings demonstrate the importance of integrating consumer behaviour, food waste, and packaging considerations within the domain of food LCA research.

8. Quantifying annual microplastic emissions of an urban catchment: Surface runoff vs wastewater sources
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121123


Urban clusters are recognized as hotspots of microplastic pollution, and the associated urban rivers convey microplastics into the global oceans. Despite this knowledge, the relative contributions of various sources to the annual microplastic emissions from urban catchments remain scarcely quantified. Here, we quantified microplastic emissions from a riverine urban catchment in Japan. The total microplastics (size range: 10–5000 μm) released from the catchment amounted to 269.1 tons/annum, of which 78.1% is contributed by surface runoff and other uncontrolled emissions (UCE), and 21.1% emerges from the regulated wastewater (controlled emissions; CE), implying that approximately one-fifth is intercepted and removed by the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). This further indicated higher microplastic pollution by unmanaged surface runoff compared to untreated wastewater. In the dry season, WWTPs contributed significantly to the reduction of total microplastic emissions (95%) compared to wet periods (8%). On an annual scale, the treated effluent occupies only 0.1% of the total microplastics released to the river network (212.4 tons/annum), while the remaining portion is dominated by UCE, i.e., primarily surface runoff emissions (98.9%), and trivially by the background microplastic inputs that are potentially derived through atmospheric depositions in dry days (1.0%). It was shown that moderate and heavy rainfall events which occur during 18% of the year (within the context of Japan), leading to 95% of the annual microplastic emissions, are crucial for pollution control of urban rivers. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that surface area-normalized microplastic emissions from an urban catchment (∼0.8 tons/km2/annum) is globally relevant, especially for planning microplastic interventions for developed cities.

9. Cellulose-based materials in environmental protection: A scientometric and visual analysis review
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172576


As sustainable materials, cellulose-based materials have attracted significant attention in the field of environmental protection, resulting in the publication of numerous academic papers. However, there is a scarcity of literature that involving scientometric analysis within this specific domain. This review aims to address this gap and highlight recent research in this field by utilizing scientometric analysis and a historical review. As a result, 21 highly cited articles and 10 mostly productive journals were selected out. The scientometric analysis reveals that recent studies were objectively clustered into five interconnected main themes: extraction of cellulose from raw materials and its degradation, adsorption of pollutants using cellulose-based materials, cellulose-acetate-based membrane materials, nanocellulose-based materials, and other cellulose-based materials such as carboxymethyl cellulose and bacterial cellulose for environmental protection. Analyzing the distribution of author keywords and thoroughly examining relevant literature, the research focuses within these five themes were summarized. In the future, the development of eco-friendly and cost-effective methods for extracting and preparing cellulose and its derivatives, particularly nanocellulose-based materials, remains an enduring pursuit. Additionally, machine learning techniques holds promise for the advancement and application of cellulose-based materials. Furthermore, there is potential to expand the research and application scope of cellulose-based materials for environmental protection.

10. Real-time control of urban drainage systems using neuro-evolution
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121133


With climate change and urbanization, existing urban drainage systems are being stressed beyond their design capacity in many parts of the world. Real-time control (RTC) can improve the performance of these systems and reduce the need for system upgrades. However, developing optimal control policies for RTC is a challenging research area due to computational demands, high uncertainties and system dynamics. This study presents a new RTC method using neuro-evolution for controlling combined sewer overflow (CSO) in urban drainage systems. Neuro-evolution is an approach to neural network research by evolutionary algorithms. Neuro-evolution realizes RTC by training the control policy in advance, thus avoiding the online optimization process in the application period. The simulation results of the benchmark Astlingen network indicate that the trained control policy outperforms the equal filling degree strategy in terms of CSO volume reduction and robustness in the face of tank level uncertainty. The performance analysis of the typical CSO events shows that the control policy mainly makes positive contributions during ‘small’ CSO events rather than ‘large’ ones. In particular, the effectiveness of the control policy in ‘small’ CSO events is more prominent in the initial phase of the events compared with the final phase. This work stands to support a foundation for future studies in the control of urban water systems based on neuro-evolution.

11. Spatial-temporal change of river thermal environment and anthropogenic impact in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 929, 15 June 2024, 172697


River water temperature is important and closely related to river ecosystem, concerning fishery industry, human health, and the land-sea exchange of nutrients, especially for great powers with a good deal of heat emission from once-through cooling systems of thermal power plants. However, the changes in river water temperature under the joint action of climate change and human activity such as the heat emission have not been well investigated for rising powers, hampering environmental policy making for sustainable development. Therefore, we have taken advantage of a recently-developed land surface model including river water temperature calculation with anthropogenic thermal discharge and zonal statistics to quantitatively make out the river water temperature variation and the man-made influence over the past thirty years (1981–2010) in China for the first time. Results show that the estimated water temperature in major rivers is generally close to the observation with the r2 of 0.83, though the underestimation exists in some rivers. The river water in the Pearl River Basin was the warmest with the mean temperature of 19.2 °C and the others in order were in the Southeast Basin, the Huaihe River Basin, the Yangtze River Basin, the Haihe River Basin, the Yellow River Basin, the Southwest Basin, the Song-Liao River Basin, and the Continental Basin, ranging from 16.7 °C to 6.3 °C. The Huaihe River Basin had the fastest mean increase rate of ca. 0.27 °C decade−1, while the slowest mean increase rate of ca. 0.13 °C decade−1 existed in the Pearl River Basin. At the subbasin scale, a meridionally-distributed hot spot zone (along the 115°E) of the increasing water temperature has been identified, where the trends ranged from 0.2 °C decade−1 to 0.5 °C decade−1. Air temperature exerted a major control on the spatial pattern of climatological water temperature, while both air temperature and downwelling solar flux played a leading role in the distribution of water temperature change trends. Although anthropogenic thermal emission heated the rivers locally, the impacts in the Song-Liao River, the Haihe River, the Huaihe River, and the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River and Yangtze River had been raised up to ca. 4.5 °C, when comparing with those controlled by climate change only. In general, these results show an acceptable level of river water temperature simulation in the land surface model, and could provide a scientific reference for the assessment on riverine thermal environment under the climate change and social impact in China.

12. Bridging the gap: Public engagement in blue-green space development for healthier urban futures
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121173


Background: With the rapid escalation of global urbanization, the role of blue-green spaces in urban ecology, public health, and planning has become increasingly prominent. Although their contributions to ecological preservation, public health, and urban design are widely acknowledged, research into public engagement and willingness to participate in the management and planning of these spaces is still in its early stages.

Objective: This study aims to identify key factors influencing public willingness to participate in blue-green space management, focusing specifically on people’s perceptions of blue-green spaces (including perceived quality and accessibility), their usage behaviors (i.e., frequency of usage of blue-green spaces), and their self-assessed physical and mental health.

Methods: We interviewed local residents through random sampling to obtain sample data, and used a representative sample (n = 815, 510 women; 305 men, age 18–85 years, lived in Chengdu for an extensive time) of residents living in Chengdu City, China. Employing a quantitative approach, we examined the relationships between factors such as gender, regular occupation, income, behavior, and health status in relation to the willingness to participate. Additionally, we explored how perceptions and behaviors impacted health statuses and, consequently, inclinations to participate.

Results: The findings indicate that individuals with steady occupations and higher incomes are more inclined to engage in the management and planning of blue-green spaces. Notably, men exhibited a greater tendency to participate than women. Furthermore, access to blue-green spaces emerged as a crucial mechanism for addressing health disparities, offering significant implications for urban planning and public health.

Conclusion: Successful blue-green space planning and understanding of willingness to participate necessitates the holistic consideration of people’s perceptions of blue-green spaces, their usage behaviour and their self-rate health. For a tangible impact on health equity and global urban development, it's essential to prioritize blue-green spaces in planning, especially in lower-income regions. This not only promotes environmental perception but can also be a strategic approach to address health disparities. Our findings offer vital insights for tailoring international urban planning and management practices towards these goals.

13. Temporal trends of plastic additive contents in sediment cores of three French rivers (Loire, Meuse and Moselle) over the last decades
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172849


Sediment cores from three major French watersheds (Loire, Meuse and Moselle) have been dated by 137Cs and 210Pbxs from 1910 (Loire), 1947 (Meuse) and 1930 (Moselle) until the present in order to reconstruct trajectories of plastic additive contaminants including nine phthalate esters (PAEs) and seven organophosphate esters (OPEs), measured by gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC–MS–MS). Historical levels of ∑PAEs were higher than those of ∑OPEs in the Loire and the Moselle sediments, while ∑PAEs and ∑OPEs contents were of the same order of magnitude in the Meuse sediments. Although increases in concentrations do not evolve linearly, our results clearly indicate an increase in OPEs and PAEs concentrations from the 1950–1970 period onwards, compared with the first half of the 20th century. Our results show that, ∑OPE contents increase gradually over time in the Loire and Meuse rivers but evolve more randomly in the Moselle River. Trajectories of ∑PAEs depend on the river and no generality can be established, suggesting sedimentary reworking and/or local contamination. Data from this study allowed comparisons of contents of ∑OPEs and ∑PAEs between rivers, with ∑OPE concentrations in the Moselle River > Meuse River > Loire River, and concentrations of ∑PAEs in the Loire River > Moselle River > Meuse River. Among all PAEs, di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was the most abundant in all sediment samples, followed by diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP). Tris (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCPP) was the most abundant OPE in sediments of the three rivers. In addition, strong positive Pearson correlations were observed between organic matter (OM) parameters and OPE concentrations, and to a lesser extent, between OM parameters and PAE concentrations. This is particularly true for the Moselle River and for the Loire River, but less so for the Meuse River.

14. Research on the spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of urbanization and carbon emission efficiency coupling coordination: From the perspective of global countries
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 360, June 2024, 121153


Strategic coordination between urbanization and carbon emission efficiency (CEE) is vital for promoting low-carbon urbanization and sustainable urban planning. In order to assess the coupled coordination degree (CCD) of urbanization and CEE and investigate the factors influencing the CCD, this research employs the Super slacks-based measure (SBM) model, the coupled coordination degree model (CCDM), and the Tobit model. Four key findings emerge from the analysis of the temporal and spatial evolution traits of the CCD based on data from 106 nations worldwide between 2005 and 2020. (1) The global CEE shows a significant downward trend, and the spatial disparity is unambiguous. high CEE countries hang in the north and west of Europe, while those in Asia, Africa and the east of Europe have lower CEE. (2) The combined urbanization level and demographic, economic and social urbanization are all on an upward trend. Singapore has the greatest degree of urbanization overall globally. (3) The CCD of urbanization and CEE shows a fluctuating upward trend, with particularly strong changes in 2018–2020. 2017 and 2018 are the years with better global coupling coordination status. During the study period, the CCD results of countries are mostly uncoordinated and low coordination, and the CCD of the United States, China, India and Japan is in the front. (4) The effect of urban electrification rate on the CCD is positive; the effect of foreign trade and net inflow of foreign direct investment is negative; while energy structure and industrial structure have no significant effect. A number of policy proposals are put forth in light of the outcomes of the research to enhance the coordination.

15. A review of social-ecological system vulnerability in desertified regions: Assessment, simulation, and sustainable management
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172604


Desertified regions face considerable vulnerability due to the combined effects of climate change and human activities, which threaten regional ecological security and societal development. It is therefore necessary to assess, simulate, and manage the vulnerability of desertified regions from the perspective of the social-ecological system, to support desertification control and sustainable development. This study is a systematic review of the vulnerability of the social-ecological system in desertified regions (SESDR) based on a bibliometric analysis, and a summary of the research progresses in vulnerability assessment, simulation, and sustainable management is provided. It was found that SESDR vulnerability research started relatively late, but has developed rapidly in recent years, with an emphasis on the coupling between natural systems and human activities, and multi-scale interactions and dynamics. Using various indicators at different scales, SESDR vulnerability could be assessed in terms of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability. Modeling the complex interactions among natural and human factors across multiple scales is essential to simulate the vulnerability dynamics of the SESDR. The sustainable management of SESDR vulnerability focuses on rational spatial planning to achieve the maximum benefits, with the right measures in the right places. Four priority research directions were proposed to develop a better understanding of the mechanisms of vulnerability and smart restoration of desertified land. The findings of this study will enable researchers, land managers, and policymakers to develop a more comprehensive understanding of SESDR vulnerability, thereby enabling them to better address the challenges posed by complex resource and environmental issues.

16. Intelligent management of carbon emissions of urban domestic sewage based on the Internet of Things
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118594


Domestic wastewater is one of the major carbon sources that cannot be ignored by human society. Against the background of carbon peaking & carbon neutrality (Double Carbon) goals, the continuous urbanization has put heavy pressure on urban drainage systems. Nevertheless, the complex subjective and objective conditions of drainage systems restrict the field monitoring, measurement, and analysis of drainage systems, which has become a great obstacle to the study of carbon emissions from drainage system. In this paper, 3389 sensor terminals of Internet of Things (IoT) are used to build a field monitoring IoT for urban domestic wastewater methane (CH4) carbon emission, with 21 main districts of Chongqing Municipality in China as the study area. Incorporating Fick's law of diffusion, this field monitoring IoT derives a measurement model for methane carbon emissions based on measured concentrations, and solves the problems of long-term and stable monitoring and measurement of methane gas in complex underground environment. With GIS spatio-temporal analysis used to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution patterns of carbon emissions from septic tanks in drainage systems, it successfully reveals the spatial and temporal distribution of methane carbon emissions from drainage systems in different seasons, as well as the relationship between methane carbon emissions from drainage systems and the latitude of direct sunlight. Applying the DTW method, it quantifies the stability of methane monitoring in drainage systems and evaluates the effects of Sampling Frequency (SF) and Number of Devices Terminal (NDT) on the stability of methane monitoring. Consequently, an intelligent management system for carbon emissions from urban domestic wastewater is constructed on the base of IoT, which integrates methane monitoring, measurement and analysis in septic tanks of drainage systems.


1. PreK-12 school and citywide wastewater monitoring of the enteric viruses astrovirus, rotavirus, and sapovirus
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172683


Wastewater monitoring is an efficient and effective way to surveil for various pathogens in communities. This is especially beneficial in areas of high transmission, such as preK-12 schools, where infections may otherwise go unreported. In this work, we apply wastewater disease surveillance using school and community wastewater from across Houston, Texas to monitor three major enteric viruses: astrovirus, sapovirus genogroup GI, and group A rotavirus. We present the results of a 10-week study that included the analysis of 164 wastewater samples for astrovirus, rotavirus, and sapovirus in 10 preK-12 schools, 6 wastewater treatment plants, and 2 lift stations using newly designed RT-ddPCR assays. We show that the RT-ddPCR assays were able to detect astrovirus, rotavirus, and sapovirus in school, lift station, and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) wastewater, and that a positive detection of a virus in a school sample was paired with a positive detection of the same virus at a downstream lift station or wastewater treatment plant over 97 % of the time. Additionally, we show how wastewater detections of rotavirus in schools and WWTPs were significantly associated with citywide viral intestinal infections. School wastewater can play a role in the monitoring of enteric viruses and in the detection of outbreaks, potentially allowing public health officials to quickly implement mitigation strategies to prevent viral spread into surrounding communities.

2. Can policy instruments enhance the benefits of nature-based solutions and curb green gentrification? The case of Genova, Italy
Environmental Development, Volume 50, June 2024, 100995


New policy solutions are necessary to make cities more liveable in a future that will be hampered by climate change, urbanization, landscape fragmentation and overall overexploitation of limited resources and space. There is an aspiration to continue to integrate Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) into global agendas to cope with climate change and urbanization due to their multiple benefits and co-benefits. Nevertheless, socio-economic and especially negative impacts of NBS are rarely considered and integrated into policy literature. Hence, the objective of this study is to address this gap by simulating three different policy instruments to mitigate green gentrification and enhance the impact of co-designed NBS in Genova. For that purpose, the spatially explicit hedonic pricing simulation model SULD (Sustainable Urbanizing Landscape Development) was used to simulate a linearly decreasing property tax to high-income households, a property tax subsidy provided to low and middle-income households and a zoning buffer policy around the NBS implementation area. Results show that all policy instruments have the ability to curb green gentrification, however the property tax subsidy led to added urban expansion, fostering urban sprawl. Both the zoning buffer and the property tax had better overall socio-economic and land use impacts by curbing green gentrification, posing little impact on low-income households and maintaining urban contraction, even though this contraction was smaller for the property tax instrument. Hence, it can be concluded that a policy mix including information, planning and economic instruments may be most effective to enhance the impact and mitigate green gentrification of NBS.

3. Influence of boundary layer jets on the vertical distribution of ozone in Guangdong, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 171874


The planetary boundary layer (PBL) characteristics during ozone (O3) episodes in China have been extensively studied; however, knowledge of the impact of boundary layer jets (BLJs) on O3 vertical distribution is limited. This study conducted a field campaign from 1 to 8 December 2020 to examine the vertical structure of the O3 concentration and wind velocity within the boundary layer at two sites (Foshan: FS, Maoming: MM) in Guangdong. Utilising lidar observations and the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem), distinct spatial distribution patterns of O3 over FS and MM influenced by BLJs were identified. The BLJs at both locations exhibited pronounced diurnal variations with a nocturnal maximum exceeding 11 m/s at a height of approximately 500 m. The nocturnal enhancement of BLJs resulted from inertial oscillations coupled with diurnal thermal forcing over sloping terrain. A stronger BLJ at FS induced an evident uplift of O3 and the prevailing northeasterly wind facilitated the transport of O3 in the nocturnal residual layer from FS to MM. After sunrise, surface heating and the development of the PBL caused the air mass with elevated O3 levels in the residual layer to descend to ground level. At MM, calm surface winds, a weaker BLJ at 500 m height, and strong downdrafts collectively contributed to a significant increase in surface O3 concentration in subsequent days. These findings contribute to our understanding of the interactions between BLJs and variations in surface air pollutant concentrations, thereby providing important insights for future regional emissions control measures.

4. Factors impacting human exposure to legacy and emerging contaminants in residential dust in Beijing, China: Characteristics of indoor microenvironment
Chemosphere, Volume 358, June 2024, 142095


Exposure to indoor dust is of concern since dust may be contaminated by various toxic chemicals and people spend considerable time indoors. Factors impacting human exposure risks to contaminants in indoor dust may differ from those affecting the loadings of contaminants, but the dominant factors have not yet been well clarified. In this study, the occurrence, human exposure, and related influencing factors of several classes of legacy and emerging contaminants in residential dust across Beijing were investigated, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and three types of flame retardants (FRs), i.e., organophosphate esters (OPEs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and novel halogenated FRs (NHFRs). OPEs (median: 3847 ng/g) were the most abundant group, followed by PBDEs (1046 ng/g) and NHFRs (520 ng/g). PFASs (14.3 ng/g) were one to two orders of magnitude lower than FRs. The estimated daily intakes of these contaminants were relatively higher for toddlers than other age groups, with oral ingestion being the main exposure pathway compared with dermal contact. Higher human exposure risks were found in new buildings or newly finished homes due to the elevated intake of emerging contaminants (such as OPEs). Furthermore, higher risks were also found in homes with wooden floors, which were mainly associated with higher levels of PFASs, chloroalkyl and alkyl OPEs, compared with tile floors. Citizens in the urban area also showed higher exposure risks than those in the suburban area. The quantity of household appliances and finishing styles (simple or luxurious) showed an insignificant impact on overall human exposure risks despite their significant effect on the levels of some of the dust contaminants. Results in this study are of importance in understanding human exposure to the co-existence of multiple contaminants in indoor dust.

5. Uncovering potential mangrove microbial bioindicators to assess urban and agricultural pressures on Martinique island in the eastern Caribbean Sea
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 928, 10 June 2024, 172217


Martinique's mangroves, which cover 1.85 ha of the island (<0.1 % of the total area), are considerably vulnerable to local urban, agricultural, and industrial pollutants. Unlike for temperate ecosystems, there are limited indicators that can be used to assess the anthropogenic pressures on mangroves. This study investigated four stations on Martinique Island, with each being subject to varying anthropogenic pressures. An analysis of mangrove sediment cores approximately 18 cm in depth revealed two primary types of pressures on Martinique mangroves: (i) an enrichment in organic matter in the two stations within the highly urbanized bay of Fort-de-France and (ii) agricultural pressure observed in the four studied mangrove stations. This pressure was characterized by contamination, exceeding the regulatory thresholds, with dieldrin, total DDT, and metals (As, Cu and Ni) found in phytosanitary products. The mangroves of Martinique are subjected to varying degrees of anthropogenic pressure, but all are subjected to contamination by organochlorine pesticides. Mangroves within the bay of Fort-de-France experience notably higher pressures compared to those in the island's northern and southern regions. In these contexts, the microbial communities exhibited distinct responses. The microbial biomass and the abundance of bacteria and archaea were higher in the two less-impacted stations, while in the mangrove of Fort-de-France, various phyla typically associated with polluted environments were more prevalent. These differences in the microbiota composition led to the identification of 65 taxa, including Acanthopleuribacteraceae, Spirochaetaceae, and Pirellulaceae, that could potentially serve as indicators of an anthropogenic influence on the mangrove sediments of Martinique Island.

6. Effects of carbon-based conductive materials on semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste and waste activated sludge
Chemosphere, Volume 357, June 2024, 142077


Organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and waste activated sludge (WAS) are the most produced organic waste streams in urban centres. Their anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) allows to generate methane (CH4) and digestate employable as renewable energy source and soil amendment, respectively, fully in accordance with circular bioeconomy principles. However, the widespread adoption of such technology is limited by relatively low CH4 yields that fail to bridge the gap between benefits and costs. Among strategies to boost AcoD of OFMSW and WAS, use of conductive materials (CMs) to promote interspecies electron transfer has gained increasing attention. This paper presents one of the few experimental attempts of investigating the effects of four different carbon(C)-based CMs (i.e., granular activated carbon – GAC, graphite – GR, graphene oxide – GO, and carbon nanotubes – CNTs) separately added in semi-continuous AcoD of OFMSW and thickened WAS. The presence of C-based CMs has been observed to improve CH4 yield of the control process. Specifically, after 63 days of operation (concentrations of GAC and GR of 10.0 g/L and of GO and CNTs of 0.2 g/L), 0.186 NL/gVS, 0.191 NL/gVS, 0.203 NL/gVS, and 0.195 NL/gVS of CH4 were produced in reactors supplemented with GAC, GR, GO, and CNTs, respectively, compared to 0.177 NL/gVS produced in the control process. Likewise, at the end of the test (i.e., after 105 days at concentrations of C-based CMs half of the initial ones), CH4 yields were 0.193 NL/gVS, 0.201 NL/gVS, 0.211 NL/gVS, and 0.206 NL/gVS in reactors supplemented with GAC, GR, GO, and CNTs, respectively, compared to 0.186 NL/gVS of the control process. Especially with regard to GR, GO, and CNTs, results obtained in the present study represent a significant advance of the knowledge on the effects of such C-based CMs to realistic and scalable AD process conditions respect to previous literature.

7. Optical properties and radiative forcing of carbonaceous aerosols in a valley city under persistent high temperature
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 928, 10 June 2024, 172462


Carbonaceous aerosols were collected in the valley city of Baoji city in Northern China in August 2022. The light absorption characteristics and influencing factors of black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) were analyzed, and their radiative forcing was estimated. The results showed that the light absorption of secondary brown carbon [AbsBrC,sec (370)] was 7.5 ± 2.4 Mm−1, which was 2.5 times that of primary brown carbon [AbsBrC,pri (370), 3.0 ± 1.2 Mm−1]. During the study period, the absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) of aerosol was 1.6, indicating that there was obvious secondary aerosol formation or carbonaceous aerosol aging in the valley city of Baoji. Except for secondary BrC (BrCsec), the light absorption coefficient (Abs) and mass absorption efficiency (MAE) of BC and primary BrC (BrCpri) during the persistent high temperature period (PHT) were higher than those during the normal temperature period (NT) and the precipitation period (PP), which indicated that the light absorption capacity of black carbon and primary brown carbon increased, while the light absorption capacity of secondary brown carbon decreased under persistent high temperature period. Secondary aerosols sulfide (SO42−), nitrate (NO3−) and secondary organic carbon (SOC) are important factors for promoting the light absorption enhancemen of BC and BrCpri and photobleaching of BrCsec during persistent high temperature period. The Principal Component Analysis-Multiple Linear Regression (PCA-MLR) model showed that traffic emissions was the most important source of pollution in Baoji City. Based on this, the secondary source accelerates the aging of BC and BrC, causing changes in light absorption. During PHT, the radiative forcing of BC and BrCpri were enhanced, while the radiative forcing of BrCsec was weakened, but the positive radiative forcing generated by them may aggravate the high-temperature disaster.

8. Unveiling novel threats: Urban river isolation of Aeromonas veronii with unusual VEB-28 extended-spectrum β-lactamase and distinct mcr variants
Chemosphere, Volume 357, June 2024, 141918


Aeromonas spp. are frequently encountered in aquatic environments, with Aeromonas veronii emerging as an opportunistic pathogen causing a range of diseases in both humans and animals. Recent reports have raised public health concerns due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant Aeromonas spp. This is particularly noteworthy as these species have demonstrated the ability to acquire and transmit antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs). In this study, we report the genomic and phenotypic characteristics of the A. veronii TR112 strain, which harbors a novel variant of the Vietnamese Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-encoding gene, blaVEB-28, and two mcr variants recovered from an urban river located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. A. veronii TR112 strain exhibited high minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for ceftazidime (64 μg/mL), polymyxin (8 μg/mL), and ciprofloxacin (64 μg/mL). Furthermore, the TR112 strain demonstrated adherence to HeLa and Caco-2 cells within 3 h, cytotoxicity to HeLa cells after 24 h of interaction, and high mortality rates to the Galleria mellonella model. Genomic analysis showed that the TR112 strain belongs to ST257 and presented a range of ARGs conferring resistance to β-lactams (blaVEB-28, blaCphA3, blaOXA-912) and polymyxins (mcr-3 and mcr-3.6). Additionally, we identified a diversity of virulence factor-encoding genes, including those encoding mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (Msh) pilus, polar flagella, type IV pili, type II secretion system (T2SS), aerolysin (AerA), cytotoxic enterotoxin (Act), hemolysin (HlyA), hemolysin III (HlyIII), thermostable hemolysin (TH), and capsular polysaccharide (CPS). In conclusion, our findings suggest that A. veronii may serve as an environmental reservoir for ARGs and virulence factors, highlighting its importance as a potential pathogen in public health.

9. Temporal and spatial water quality impacts of point-source versus catchment-derived nitrogen loads in an urbanised estuary
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172548


The Brisbane River estuary is an anthropogenically-impacted waterway in southeast Queensland, Australia. The estuary is over 80 km long and flows through an urbanised region. It receives over 500 t per year of total nitrogen (N) from direct point-source discharges in addition to sporadic flood loads of N from an agriculturally impacted upper catchment. Comprehensive water quality monitoring data for the estuary have been collected from at least 2001. This monitoring data includes ambient nutrient concentrations in the estuary, nutrient concentration and volume of the catchment inflows, and nutrient concentration and volume of point source discharges. This long-term data from a range of sources was used to determine temporal and spatial variations in concentrations, forms, stores and loads of N along the estuary for the period 2001 to 2022. Results showed that, during low-flow periods, the store of N in the mid-upper estuary (33–81 km upstream) is significantly determined by point-source discharges to this reach, and therefore the store of N can be modelled. Model parameters are the daily point source loads, a point source load decay factor, and a background constant store. In the lower estuary (0–33 km upstream) N store can be accurately determined based on dilution with seawater, with point sources not having significant influence on total N in the reach. Total N from large flood events was found to largely pass through the estuary without detectable removal processes, delivering catchment derived N directly to coastal waters. This work informs potential application of nutrient offsets in the estuary, guiding where and when offset options will be effective to mitigate the water quality impacts of point-source nutrients.

10. Light oxygenated volatile organic compound concentrations in an Eastern Mediterranean urban atmosphere rivalling those in megacities
Environmental Pollution, Volume 350, 1 June 2024, 123797


Highly resolved measurements of primary and secondary oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and the AMOVOC sampler (Airborne Measurements Of VOC) were performed in Beirut, Lebanon, during the ECOCEM (Emissions and Chemistry of Organic Carbon in the East Mediterranean) experiments. The OVOC concentrations (0.15–7.0 ppb) rival those reported for international megacities like Paris, Tokyo, or São Paulo (0.3–6.5 ppb). This study highlights the seasonal variability of OVOCs, the potential role of background pollution on OVOC concentrations, traffic emissions of OVOCs, and the secondary production of OVOCs during both summer and winter.

The primary and secondary OVOC fractions were estimated using two methods based on the night-time emission ratio and photochemical age. Our calculations coupled with a correlation analysis revealed the following: firstly, background concentrations contributed significantly, especially for longer-lived OVOCs, such as methanol and acetone (30%–80%). Secondly, secondary production in summer increased up to 60%, except for methanol and isoprene oxidation products, i.e., for methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone. Thirdly, the secondary production in the Eastern Mediterranean persisted in winter, and finally, strong primary traffic emissions dominated the primary biogenic emissions.

Finally, the emission ratios were used to evaluate the global anthropogenic emission inventories downscaled to Lebanon. Although limited to two individual non-lumped species (formaldehyde and acetone), the emission ratios compared well, within a factor of 2. However, the emissions of aldehydes and ketones from the CAMS, Edgar, and MACCITY inventories showed discrepancies of up to three orders of magnitude. This demonstrates a need for improved OVOC representation in emission inventories, considering the atmospheric relevance and abundance of OVOCs and their use in volatile chemical products.

11. A novel membrane-based process to concentrate nutrients from sidestreams of an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant through captured carbon dioxide from biogas
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172884


Among the challenges that wastewater treatment plants face in the path towards sustainability, reducing CO2 emissions and decrease the amount of waste highlight. Within these wastes, those that can cause eutrophication, such as nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) are of great concern. Herein we study a novel process to concentrate nutrients via membrane technology. In particular, we propose the use of forward osmosis, applying the carbonated solvent which contains the CO2 captured from the biogas stream as draw solution. This carbonated solvent has a high potential osmotic pressure, which can be used in forward osmosis to concentrate the nutrients stream. To this end, we present the results of an experimental plan specifically designed and performed to evaluate two main parameters: (1) nutrients concentration; and (2) water recovery. The process designed involves pH adjustment, membrane filtration to separate solids, pH reduction and forward osmosis concentration of nutrients. With this process, concentrations factor for nutrients in between 2 and 2.5 and water recovery of approximately 50 % with water flux of 7 to 8 L/(m2h) can be achieved.

12. Release characteristics and risk assessment of volatile sulfur compounds in municipal wastewater treatment plants
Environmental Pollution, Volume 350, 1 June 2024, 123946


In recent years, the malodorous gases generated by sewage treatment plants have gradually received widespread attention due to their sensory stimulation and health hazards. The emission concentration, sensory evaluation and health risk assessment of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) were all explored in two municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with oxidation ditch and anaerobic/oxic treatment process, respectively. The VSCs concentration showed the highest amount in the primary treatment unit in both the two WWTPs (73.3% in Plant A and 93.0% in Plant B), while the H2S took the main role in the composition of VSCs. However, H2S took a larger percentage in Plant A (84.5% ∼ 87.0%) rather than Plant B (61.2% ∼ 83.5%), which may be due to the different operating conditions and sludge properties in different treatment process. Besides, H2S also gained the first rank in the sensory evaluation and health risk assessment, which may cause considerable sensory irritation and health risk to workers and surrounding residents. Furthermore, the influencing factor analyses of VSCs emission showed that the temperature of water and air, ORP of sludge made the greatest effect on VSCs release. This study provides theoretical and data support for the research of VSCs emission control in WWTPs.

13. Dual isotopic evidence of δ15N and δ18O for priority control of vehicle emissions in a megacity of East China: Insight from measurements in summer and winter
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172918


The source apportionment and main formation pathway of nitrate aerosols in China are not yet fully understood. In this study, PM2.5 samples were collected in Shanghai in the summer and winter of 2019. Water-soluble inorganic ions and isotopic signatures of stable nitrogen (δ15N-NO3−) and stable oxygen (δ18O-NO3−) in PM2.5 were determined. The results showed that NO3− was less important in summer (NO3−/SO42− = 0.4 ± 0.8), while it became the dominant species in winter (52.1 %). The average values of δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3− in summer were + 2.0 ± 6.1 ‰ and 63.3 ± 9.4 ‰ respectively, which were significantly lower than those in winter (+7.2 ± 3.4 ‰ and 88.3 ± 12.1 ‰), indicating discrepancies between NOx sources and nitrate formation pathways. Both δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3− were elevated at night, demonstrating that N2O5 hydrolysis contributed to the nocturnal nitrate increase even in summer. The contribution of the OH oxidation pathway to nitrate aerosols averaged at 70.5 ± 17.0 % in summer and N2O5 hydrolysis dominated the nitrate production in winter (approximately 80 %). On average, vehicle exhaust, coal combustion, natural gas burning, and soil emission contributed 50.7 %, 21.5 %, 15.9 %, and 11.9 %, respectively, to nitrate aerosols in summer, and contributed 56.8 %, 23.9 %, 13.6 %, and 5.7 %, respectively, to nitrate production in winter. Notably, natural gas burning is a non-negligible source of nitrate aerosols in Shanghai. In contrast to an inverse correlation between δ15N-NO3− and PM2.5, the value of δ18O-NO3− was positively correlated with nitrate concentration and aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) in winter, suggesting that explosive growth of nitrate was driven by continuous accumulation of N-depleted NOx and rapid N2O5 hydrolysis under calm and humid conditions. To continuously improve air quality, priority control should be given to vehicle emissions as the dominant source of NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Shanghai.

14. Predicting dust pollution from dry bulk ports in coastal cities: A hybrid approach based on data decomposition and deep learning
Environmental Pollution, Volume 350, 1 June 2024, 124053


Dust pollution from storage and handling of materials in dry bulk ports seriously affects air quality and public health in coastal cities. Accurate prediction of dust pollution helps identify risks early and take preventive measures. However, there remain challenges in solving non-stationary time series and selecting relevant features. Besides, existing studies rarely consider impacts of port operations on dust pollution. Therefore, a hybrid approach based on data decomposition and deep learning is proposed to predict dust pollution from dry bulk ports. Port operational data is specially integrated into input features. A secondary decomposition and recombination (SDR) strategy is presented to reduce data non-stationarity. A dual-stage attention-based sequence-to-sequence (DA-Seq2Seq) model is employed to adaptively select the most relevant features at each time step, as well as capture long-term temporal dependencies. This approach is compared with baseline models on a dataset from a dry bulk port in northern China. The results reveal the advantages of SDR strategy and integrating operational data and show that this approach has higher accuracy than baseline models. The proposed approach can mitigate adverse effects of dust pollution from dry bulk ports on urban residents and help port authorities control dust pollution.

15. Chasing the heat: Unraveling urban hyperlocal air temperature mapping with mobile sensing and machine learning
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172168


Many cities face unprecedented high temperatures with increasing extreme events. Heatwaves pose significant health risks, including cardiovascular diseases, heatstroke, and dehydration. Mapping urban near-surface air temperature (Tair) is crucial for understanding thermal exposure and addressing climate change. Previous studies relied on satellite-derived land surface temperature (LST) and stationary monitoring, but high spaio-temporal Tair mapping is still a challenge. This study optimized a mobile sensing scheme using an electric bicycle platform with environmental and image sensors, and deep learning captured local-scale urban factors. A spatio-temporal data fusion model that consisted of three parts, temporal trend extraction, locality analysis, and neighborhood effect analysis, generated hyperlocal Tair maps. The Results from Beijing demonstrated the effectiveness of the framework, achieving the lowest MAE of 0.02 °C. Optimized data collection and the new model achieved accurate temperature predictions and thermal exposure assessment. Efficiency enhanced sensing strategy was also proposed. The study highlights local-scale factors and spatio-temporal dependencies in addressing heatwaves and climate change impacts in urban areas.

16. Occurrence and abundance of microplastics and plasticizers in landfill leachate from open dumpsites in Sri Lanka
Environmental Pollution, Volume 350, 1 June 2024, 123944


This is the first attempt that investigate the abundance of plasticizers in leachate sediment in the scientific literature, alongside the debut effort to explore the abundance of microplastics and plasticizers in landfill leachate and sediment in Sri Lanka. Microplastics in sizes ranging from ≥2.0–5.0, ≥1.0–2.0, and ≥ 0.5–1.0 mm were extracted from the leachate draining from ten municipal solid waste open dump sites and sediment samples covering seven districts. Microplastics were extracted by density separation (Saturated ZnCl2) followed by wet peroxide digestion and the chemical identification was conducted by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. Plasticizers were extracted to hexane and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The total mean microplastic abundance in leachate was 2.06 ± 0.62 mg/L whereas it was 363 ± 111 mg/kg for leachate sediments. The most frequently found polymer type was polyethylene (>50%), and white color was dominant. The average concentration of bisphenol A (BPA), benzophenone (BP) and diethyl-hydrogen phthalate (DHEP) in leachate was 158 ± 84.4, 0.75 ± 0.16 and 170 ± 85.8 μg/L respectively. Furthermore, BP and DHEP in leachate sediment was 100 ± 68.3 and 1034 ± 455 μg/kg respectively. As landfill leachate is directly discharged into nearby surface and groundwater bodies that serve as sources of drinking water, the study highlights the potential concerns of microplastic and plasticizer exposure to the surrounding Sri Lankan community through consumption of contaminated drinking water. Therefore, there is a timely need of develop the effective waste management and pollution control measures to minimize the possible threats to both the environment and human health.


1. Regulatory of salinity on assembly of activated sludge microbial communities and nitrogen transformation potential in industrial plants of the lower Yangtze River basin
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 2, 15 June 2024, 118769


This study aims to thoroughly investigate the impact mode of salinity carried by industrial wastewater on the anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (A2O) sludge in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Through comprehensive investigation of the A2O stage activated sludge (AS) from 19 industrial WWTPs in the downstream area of the Yangtze River, China, A total of 38 samples of anaerobic sludge and oxic sludge were collected and analyzed. We found that salinity stress significantly inhibits the growth of the AS community, particularly evident in the anaerobic sludge community. Furthermore, the high-saline environment induces changes in the structure and functional patterns of the AS community, leading to intensive interactions and resource exchanges among microorganisms. Halophilic microorganisms may play a crucial role in this process, significantly impacting the overall community structure, especially in the oxic sludge community. Additionally, salinity stress not only suppresses the nitrogen transformation potential of the AS but also leads to the accumulation of nitrite, thereby increasing the emission potential of both NO and N2O, exacerbating the greenhouse effect of the A2O process in industrial WWTPs. The findings of this study provide necessary theoretical support for maintaining the long-term stable operation of the A2O sludge system in industrial WWTPs, reducing carbon footprint, and improving nitrogen removal efficiency.

2. Critical review for the potential analysis of material utilization from inorganic industrial solid waste
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 459, 25 June 2024, 142457


This review systematically introduces the current status and development trend of inorganic industrial solid waste (IISW)-based materials. IISWs have the characteristics of wide sources, large land occupation, low utilization rate, and high environmental risk. In this paper, IISWs from different sources are introduced firstly, including coal (coal fly ash, coal gangue, flue gas desulfurization gypsum), metallurgy (steel slag, blast furnace slag, electrolytic manganese residue, red mud, etc.), chemistry (phosphogypsum, lithium slag), construction (waste glass, ceramic waste), mining (tailings) and other industries. Then the main research progress of IISWs in building material preparation (cement, aggregate, glass, ceramic, road, brick), water/air treatment (catalyst and adsorbent), and soil improvement (fertilizer and remediation agent) is discussed in detail. At the same time, the role of IISWs in material systems and the solidification/stabilization (S/S) mechanisms of heavy metals in IISW-based materials are emphasized. Finally, the challenges of IISWs material utilization are discussed, and prospects for the development of this field are proposed. Overall, the construction industry is expected to achieve large-scale and comprehensive utilization of IISWs, while the research in other fields requires more value-oriented and industrialized exploration. More importantly, the migration and transformation of heavy metals in IISWs during material utilization need full attention.

3. Biodiesel production from the Scenedesmus sp. and utilization of pigment from de-oiled biomass as sensitizer in the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) for performance enhancement
Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 2, 15 June 2024, 118726


Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) using algal photosynthetic pigments has got rampant attention as it converts sunlight into electricity. Therefore, in this present research, the neutral lipid extracted from the green alga Scenedesmus sp. was used for biodiesel production, and concurrently, pigments extracted from the de-oiled biomass cake were used as a sensitizer in DSSC to evaluate its performance efficacy with and without PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride). Initially, neutral lipids extracted from the Scenedesmus sp. were converted to biodiesel with a yield of 72.9%, and the de-oiled biomass was subjected to pigment extraction (17.65 mg/g) to use as a sensitizer in DSSC. This study proposes two DSSC test models, i.e., PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) - bound cell and cell without any PVDF binder. For the PVDF-coated DSSC, the average energy conversion efficiency reached about 14.3%, the open circuit voltage was 0.55 V, and the short circuit current was 144.5 mA. The unbound cells showed a reduction in efficiency, voltage, and current, and notably, efficiency of 10.44% on day 1 was decreased to 3.32%, and the open circuit voltage and short circuit current of 0.38V and 144 mA were decreased to 0.24V and 130 mA after 10 days, under 40 mW/cm2 input power. The PVDF-coated solar cell has maintained its efficiency range of 16.32%–11.22%, which is higher than the PVDF-unbound cell for a tested timeline of 30 days. The fill factor of 0.47 was observed in PVDF- unbound DSSC under 40 mW/cm2 as input power, while it was increased to 0.577 when PVDF was used as a binder. The PVDF-coated cell has low degradation compared with the PVDF-uncoated cell. These results offer dual benefits as the production of biodiesel from microalgal lipids and electricity generation from the DSSC using the pigments of biodiesel-extracted algal biomass.

4. Improving enterprise environmental performance under central environmental protection inspection: An empirical study based on listed industrial enterprises
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 459, 25 June 2024, 142536


The central environmental protection inspection is an institutional innovation in China that aims to supervise enterprises by monitoring government environmental enforcement. This paper examines the effectiveness of central environmental protection inspection in improving enterprise environmental performance by using a quasi-natural experiment of the first round of central environmental protection inspection. The study reveals that the central environmental protection inspection improves enterprise environmental performance by strengthening local government environmental enforcement and environmental attention. This is evidenced by the increase in enterprise environmental capital expenditure and the decrease in pollution discharge fees. The impact of central environmental protection inspection on enterprise environmental performance is strengthened by local governments’ environmental regulation and environmental fiscal expenditure, as well as by public participation. Under the pressure of central environmental protection inspection, heavily polluting enterprises engage in production process improvement and R&D investment, which can improve their economic performance. This can ultimately lead to a competitive advantage for enterprises, promoting a win-win situation for both environmental and economic performance.

5. Research progress of industrial wastewater treatment technology based on solar interfacial adsorption coupled evaporation process
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 931, 25 June 2024, 172887


Solar interface evaporation is an effective method for the treatment of water that has low energy consumption. Adsorption is recognized to be one of the most stable wastewater treatment methods and is widely used. Combining solar interface evaporation with adsorption provides a novel and low-cost approach for the efficient removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants from industrial wastewater. This paper reviews the characteristics and application of some common wastewater treatment methods. The photothermal conversion and the conceptual design of interface evaporation combined with adsorption are introduced and the photo-thermal conversion and adsorption methods are discussed. The study provides a summary of recent studies and advancements in interfacial evaporation-coupled adsorption materials, which include hydrogels, aerogels, and biomass materials for adsorption, and carbon materials for photothermal conversion. Finally, the current challenges encountered in industrial wastewater treatment are outlined and its prospects are discussed. The aim of this review is to explore a wide range of possibilities with the interfacial evaporation-coupled adsorption method and propose a new low-cost and high-efficiency method for industrial wastewater treatment.

6. Innovative treatment of industrial effluents through combining ferric iron and attapulgite application
Chemosphere, Volume 358, June 2024, 142132


The escalation of industrial activities has escalated the production of pharmaceutical and dyeing effluents, raising significant environmental issues. In this investigation, a hybrid approach of Fenton-like reactions and adsorption was used for deep treatment of these effluents, focusing on effects of variables like hydrogen peroxide concentration, catalyst type, pH, reaction duration, temperature, and adsorbent quantity on treatment effectiveness, and the efficacy of acid-modified attapulgite (AMATP) and ferric iron (Fe(III))-loaded AMATP (Fe(III)-AMATP) was examined. Optimal operational conditions were determined, and the possibility of reusing the catalysts was explored. Employing Fe3O4 as a heterogeneous catalyst and AMATP for adsorption, CODCr was reduced by 78.38–79.14%, total nitrogen by 71.53–77.43%, and phosphorus by 97.74–98.10% in pharmaceutical effluents. Similarly, for dyeing effluents, Fe(III)-AMATP achieved 79.87–80.94% CODCr, 68.59–70.93% total nitrogen, and 79.31–83.33% phosphorus reduction. Regeneration experiments revealed that Fe3O4 maintained 59.48% efficiency over three cycles, and Fe(III)-AMATP maintained 62.47% efficiency over four cycles. This work offers an economical, hybrid approach for effective pharmaceutical and dyeing effluent treatment, with broad application potential.

7. Effect of liming on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons leaching from hydrocarbon-contaminated tectogenic industriosol
Environmental Pollution, Volume 351, 15 June 2024, 124063


Soil stabilization/solidification is commonly employed remediation method for contaminated soils. Until now, limited attention has been given to the application of quicklime in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminated soil. We treated a tectogenic industriosol spiked with 50 mg kg−1 of four PAHs (12.5 mg kg−1 each of fluorene (FLU), phenanthrene (PHE), fluoranthene (FLT) and pyrene (PYR)) using three different liming agents at 1% (w:w): quicklime (CaO), hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) and carbonate calcium (CaCO3). All treated samples were leached in water at a solid-liquid ratio of 10, with subsequent analysis of leached soil and leachates for PAHs content. Results revealed that the addition of liming agents led to a reduction in FLU and PHE concentrations in treated soil by 6.81 ± 2.47% and 28.88 ± 4.18%, respectively, compared to a not-treated sol. However, no significant impact was observed on the 4-cycles PAHs (FLT and PYR). The addition of liming agents also significantly decreased the amount of PAHs in the leachate, by 100% for FLU and PHE, and by 74.9 ± 17.5% and 72.3 ± 34.8%, for FLT and PYR, respectively, compared to not limed soil. Among the liming agents, quicklime was the most effective in reducing the amount of 4 cycles PAHs in the leachate. Various mechanisms, such as encapsulation, volatilization and oxidation could contribute to this observed reduction. Quicklime treatment at a concentration of 1% w:w in PAHs-contaminated soil emerges as a promising technique to effectively reduce PAHs concentration in soils and mitigate PAHs mobility through leaching. This study also sheds light on the possibility to limit CO2 emissions and resources exploitation to assure the remediation process, thereby enhancing its overall environmental sustainability.

8. RARE-EARTH elements in the topsoils of a Russian industrial city: Sources and human health risk assessment
Chemosphere, Volume 357, June 2024, 142059


Research on rare-earth elements (REEs) in urban soils of Russian industrial cities is extremely limited. This study investigates the potential sources and human health risks of REEs contained in the topsoils of the industrial Russian city of Chelyabinsk. The study also takes into account natural sources of REE as the city is located on the border of granites (Urals) and sedimentary rocks (Western Siberia). We analyzed the concentration and distribution of REEs in the soils of four types of locations: residential courtyards, city parks, roadsides, and industrial locations. The total REE concentrations ranged from 44 to 255 mg/kg, with average concentrations of 140, 124, 113 and 89 mg/kg in the courtyards, roadsides, industrial location and city parks, respectively. The REE content in courtyard soils could be influenced by poor cleaning of fallen leaves. The ratios of light REE (LREE) to heavy REE (HREE) ranged from 9.5 to 10.1, revealing an obvious fractionation between them. The fractionation of LREE and HREE, and the REE/ES (European Shale) pattern showed that REE accumulation in Chelyabinsk soils has been disturbed by human activities. It was shown that the dust from industrial emissions was the main anthropogenic source of REE accumulation in urban soil. The largest amounts of REEs are emitted from an electrometallurgical plant and zinc production plant. Fortunately, the estimated daily intakes of REE from soils for children and adults were well below the safety thresholds. At the same time, in order to prevent social tension and reduce the anthropogenic load on the urban area, it is recommended to use phytoremediation technologies, smart landscaping of industrial and residential areas, more thorough cleaning of fallen leaves and road dust. It is also recommended to move the most dangerous production processes outside the urban area.

9. Experimental and simulation studies on the improvement of coal dust pollution by an aqueous solution of sodium α-alkenylsulfonate and amino acid-based surfactants
Environmental Pollution, Volume 351, 15 June 2024, 124041


The use of surfactants is crucial for the prevention and control of coal dust pollution in coal mining operation areas, yet there still exist many challenges in the control of coal dust pollution. In this paper, the green biomass-based amino acid surfactant sodium myristoyl glutamate (SMG) and the anionic surfactant sodium α-alkenyl sulfonate (AOS) were selected to investigate the improvement of coal dust wettability by single and binary solutions from the macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. Molecular simulations were used to reveal the microscopic mechanism of the wettability of coal dust by the different solutions. Experimental measurements showed that the contact angle of the AOS + SMG aqueous solution was as low as 13.8° on a coal surface. Coating the coal dust with the AOS + SMG solution reduced the surface tension by 12.02% compared to coating the coal with a single component solution. Additionally, the use of the binary AOS + SMG solution increased the hydrophilic group content in the coating by 11.77% compared to a single component solution, and the linkage between hydrophilic groups was enhanced, which pulls the water molecules to wet the coal dust. These research results should provide a new way to promote more environmentally friendly coal dust pollution control technology.

10. Efficacy and mechanism of enhanced Sb(V) removal from textile wastewater using ferric flocs in aerobic biological treatment
Chemosphere, Volume 357, June 2024, 141920


Antimony contamination from textile industries has been a global environmental concern and the existing treatment technologies could not reduce Sb(V) to meet the discharge standards. To overcome this shortcoming, ferric flocs were introduced to expedite the biological process for enhanced Sb(V) removal in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). For this purpose, a series of laboratorial-scale sequential batch reactor activated sludge processes (SBRs) were applied for Sb(V) removal with varied reactor conditions and the transformation of Fe and Sb in SBR system was investigated. Results showed a significant improvement in Sb(V) removal and the 20 mg L−1 d−1 iron ions dosage and iron loss rate was found to be only 15.2%. The influent Sb(V) concentration ranging 153–612 μg L−1 was reduced to below 50 μg L−1, and the maximum Sb(V) removal rate of the enhanced system reached about 94.3%. Furthermore, it exhibited high stability of Sb(V) removal in the face of antimonate load, Fe strike and matrix change of wastewater. Sludge total Sb determination and capacity calculation revealed decreasing in Sb adsorption capacity and desorption without fresh Fe dosage. While sludge morphology analysis demonstrated the aging and crystallization of iron hydroxides. These results verify the distinct effects of fresh iron addition and iron aging on Sb(V) removal. High-throughput gene pyrosequencing results showed that the iron addition changed microbial mechanisms and effect Fe oxidized bacterial quantity, indicating Sb(V) immobilization achieved by microbial synergistic iron oxidation. The present study successfully established a simple and efficient method for Sb(V) removal during biological treatment, and the modification of biological process by iron supplement could provide insights for real textile wastewater treatment.

11. Geochemical fractionation of iron in paper industry and municipal landfill soils: Ecological and health risks insights
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118508


Industrial processes and municipal wastes largely contribute to the fluctuations in iron (Fe) content in soils. Fe, when present in unfavorable amount, causes harmful effects on human, flora, and fauna. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the composition of Fe in surface soils from paper mill and municipal landfill sites and assess their potential ecological and human health risks. Geochemical fractionation was conducted to explore the chemical bonding of Fe across different fractions, i.e., water-soluble (F1) to residual (F6). Different contamination factors and pollution indices were evaluated to comprehend Fe contamination extent across the study area. Results indicated the preference for less mobile forms in the paper mill and landfill, with 26.66% and 43.46% of Fe associated with the Fe–Mn oxide bound fraction (F4), and 57.22% and 24.78% in the residual fraction (F6). Maximum mobility factor (MF) of 30.65% was observed in the paper mill, and 80.37% in the landfill. The enrichment factor (EF) varied within the range of 20 < EF < 40, signifying a high level of enrichment in the soil. The individual contamination factor (ICF) ranged from 0 to >6, highlighting low to high contamination. Adults were found to be more vulnerable towards Fe associated health risks compared to children. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) index showed the highest risk potential pathways as dermal contact > ingestion > inhalation. The study offers insights into potential Fe contamination risks in comparable environments, underscoring the crucial role of thorough soil assessments in shaping land use and waste management policies.

12. Sustainable efficiency in cities in China—An interaction model among water, energy, and industry
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172154


With the inclusion of "Building Inclusive, safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities and human Settlements” (SDG11) in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), the movement to promote sustainable development from an urban perspective is growing globally. Many studies examine urban sustainability efficiency from multiple dimensions, but scant attention targets the interaction among various dimensions. This research combines the water-energy-industry subsystem to evaluate the sustainable development performance of 29 provinces in China from 2018 to 2020. The results show that 1) a water system plays an important role in promoting a city's overall sustainable performance. 2) Urban sustainable efficiency has the characteristics of low value aggregation and high value dispersion in space. 3) Regional and sub-system sustainability efficiencies exhibit clear heterogeneity. 4) Rainfall improves the sustainable efficiency of cities, mainly through water systems. 5) The coupling between water and industrial subsystems is better than that between energy and industrial subsystems, and the coupling between the central region subsystem is the best. This paper offers a new perspective for understanding the current state of sustainability in China's provinces and provides more specific suggestions for improving regional sustainability efficiency in the future.

13. Groundwater pollution risk, health effects and sustainable management of halocarbons in typical industrial parks
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118422


As important chemical raw materials and organic solvents, halogenated hydrocarbons not only play an important role in economic development, but are also the main source of environmental pollution. This study proposed an improved groundwater risk assessment model system, aimed at identifying and treating contaminants at leak sites. Groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) was used to evaluate the leachability of organic pollutants. The entropy-weighted water quality index (EWQI) method was used to assess the comprehensive quality of groundwater at the site. An improved groundwater health risk assessment model was constructed to analyze the health risks of groundwater. The sources of organic pollutants were identified based on the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model. Self-organizing mapping (SOM) and the K-means algorithm were integrated to classify and manage pollution source areas. The results showed that groundwater in the study area was strongly affected by human activities. The pollution source was located in a factory near S05. Different organic pollutants were highly leachable and had high potential to contaminate surrounding groundwater. 1,2-dichloropropane and 1,2,3-trichloropropane caused the largest range of contamination. The groundwater pollution index in the study area was high, and 72% of the monitoring points were non-drinkable. Both the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic indexes of groundwater far exceeded the international standard limits and had a great impact on human health. 1,2,3-trichloropropane and 1,2-dichloropropane were major non-carcinogenic risk factors. The leakage of pollutants and pesticide solvents were the main causes of groundwater pollution. Cluster areas III and II were areas with significant pollution impacts and needed to be monitored intensively. Most areas were cluster I, with relatively low risk. This study can provide technical support for groundwater pollution risk assessment and management in similar industrial parks.

14. DEA-Driven Risk Management Framework for Optimising Supply Chain Strategies in the Nigerian Oil Industry
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Available online 13 June 2024, 101996


This paper develops a comprehensive risk management framework to optimise the Nigerian oil industry supply chain risk mitigation strategies. Given the complexities of petroleum supply chain, this framework aids researchers and decision-makers in navigating innovative risk management approaches, considering implementation of associated challenges. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is initially employed to prioritise risk factors, and based on obtained results, optimal response strategies are determined. The study's findings reveal criminality and terrorist attacks as paramount Nigerian oil supply chain risk factors. Additionally, the research identifies practical mitigation strategies, such as risk transfer, safety planning, alternative energy carriers, improved energy efficiency, emergency rescue plans, expected shortages, and diplomatic relations. This research contributes valuable insights to academia and industry, fostering a deeper understanding of risk dynamics in the Nigerian oil sector. The framework presented offers a powerful approach to risk management, providing a foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning in the ever-evolving landscape of supply chain dynamics.

15. Cottage industry as a source of high exposure to lead: A biomonitoring study among people involved in manufacturing cookware from scrap metal.
Environmental Research, Volume 250, 1 June 2024, 118493


In low-income countries, a widespread but poorly studied type of cottage industry consists of melting scrap metal for making cookware. We assessed the exposure to lead (Pb) among artisanal workers, and their families, involved in manufacturing cookware from scrap metal. In a cross-sectional survey, we compared artisanal cookware manufacturing foundries with carpentry workshops (negative controls) and car battery repair workshops (positive controls), all located in residential areas, in Lubumbashi (DR Congo). We collected surface dust in the workspaces, and blood and urine samples among workers, as well as residents living in the cookware workshops. Trace elements were quantified in the samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). In surface dust, median Pb concentrations were higher in cookware foundries (347 mg/kg) than in carpentries (234 mg/kg) but lower than in battery repair workshops (22,000 mg/kg). In workers making the cookware (n = 24), geometric mean (GM) Pb blood cencentration was 118 μg/L [interquartile range (IQR) 78.4–204], i.e. nearly twice as high as among carpenters [60.2 μg/L (44.4–84.7), n = 33], and half the concentration of battery repair workers [255 μg/L (197–362), n = 23]. Resident children from the cookware foundries, had higher urinary Pb [6.2 μg/g creatinine (2.3–19.3), n = 6] than adults [2.3 (2.2–2.5), n = 3]. Our investigation confirms the high Pb hazard linked to car battery repair and reveals a high exposure to Pb among artisanal cookware manufacturers and their families, especially children, in residential areas of a city in a low-income country.

16. Life cycle assessment of alternatives for industrial textile recycling
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 927, 1 June 2024, 172161


The $882 billion textile trade in 2021 poses environmental concerns, highlighting the importance of encouraging a circular economy to attain sustainable textiles. Therefore, policies must prioritize textile recycling, particularly in developing countries, and sharing information throughout the value chain. This research aims to explore the potential environmental benefits of two industrial recycling processes for textile residues versus the traditional waste management and production process through a life cycle assessment applying the ReCiPe method at midpoint and endpoint levels focusing on generating significant data availability and broader assessment than existing literature to support decision making related to recycling systems for textile residues. Results related to the textile residues recycling process to obtain stripes (R1) and replace sawdust, to fill pushing balls, show that it would produce environmental benefits regardless of location in several midpoint categories. Furthermore, regarding the endpoint results, the DALY savings are mainly due to avoiding landfill, while the savings in ecosystem impacts are generated by avoiding landfill and sawdust production. Regarding the recycling process to obtain recycled yarn and fill (R2) net savings in global warming potential are generated if landfill avoidance is considered. Nevertheless, endpoint results show that DALYs of all the avoided processes correspond to 1.5 times the impacts of all the R2 recycling processes, mainly due to avoiding virgin yarn production. Therefore, both recycling processes are recommended. However, some strategies are required to generate greater benefits, such as applying the R2 recycling process as the first option for stretchable textile waste, and after being used, going through the R1 recycling process. In addition, the strategic placement of the R1 recycling facility should be distant from areas of sawdust production. A sensitivity analysis was carried out due to the variability of virgin products to replace in the market.

Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam

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Vietwater 2024 không chỉ quy tụ hơn 450 nhà triển lãm hàng đầu đến từ hơn 25 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, mà còn thu hút hơn 10.000 khách tham quan thương mại chuyên ngành.

Tên Yagi, được sử dụng để đặt cho năm cơn bão nhiệt đới ở Tây Bắc Thái Bình Dương và Nhật Bản, có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Nhật, nghĩa là “con dê” hoặc “chòm sao Ma Kết”.

Sự gia tăng nhiệt độ khiến lượng carbon thải ra từ đất tăng từ 7% đến 17% tùy mức độ ấm lên. Hiện tượng này là do các vi sinh vật trong đất hô hấp và chuyển hóa carbon thành CO2.

Sản phẩm cấu kiện bê tông thương hiệu AMACCAO

Tiên phong ứng dụng mô hình kinh tế tuần hoàn và công nghệ hàng đầu, Châu Âu Nam (AMACCAO) ghi dấu ấn với loạt giải pháp vật liệu, sản phẩm mới, đáp ứng xu thế phát triển ngành xây dựng, mở ra lời giải cho bài toán xây dựng bền vững, tiết kiệm.