Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 32-2024

  • Cập nhật: Thứ ba, 27/8/2024 | 4:37:29 Chiều

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 32-2024.

The Environmental Management Special Section is pleased to present to our valued readers the International Environmental Bulletin No. 32-2024, featuring the following key topics:

Về quản lý môi trường

- Hướng tới một thế giới hiệu suất năng lượng cao: Đánh giá tác động của trí tuệ nhân tạo đối với hiệu quả năng lượng đô thị.

- Phân tích khủng hoảng thủy ngân của Ấn Độ: Cách tiếp cận kinh tế xã hội cho thấy vai trò quyết định của tiêu dùng nội địa.

- Các yếu tố thiết kế sản phẩm bền vững: Phân tích toàn diện.

- Một khung tích hợp bao gồm phân tích tiến hóa không gian-thời gian và lực đẩy để quản lý cảnh báo sớm chất lượng nước.

- Các mô hình cảnh báo sớm rủi ro sinh thái xác định ngưỡng là công cụ hiệu quả để hướng dẫn chiến lược bảo tồn.

- Vật liệu nano: Ứng dụng, tác động sức khỏe và rủi ro môi trường.

- Mối liên hệ hóa học rộng rãi với các chỉ số miễn dịch ở người lớn Mỹ: Phân tích cắt ngang.

- Phân bố muối và đặc tính kiềm trong các khu vực xử lý chất thải bauxite từ phạm vi không gian.

- Hướng tới một thế giới kết nối: Mạng lưới hợp tác như một công cụ để hoàn thành các Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững (SDGs).

Về môi trường đô thị

- Vận chuyển quy mô sau cây fractal đơn độc độ phân giải cao dựa trên mô phỏng xoáy lớn: Hàm ý đối với cơ sở hạ tầng xanh đô thị.

- Phân chia nguồn gốc của các hóa chất gây quan ngại mới nổi dọc theo sông đô thị bằng mô hình ngược.

- Phát hiện virus mpox trong nước thải cung cấp cảnh báo sớm về các trường hợp lâm sàng ở các thành phố Canada.

- Giảm hành vi phản bội trong xây dựng tòa nhà xanh: Cách tiếp cận trò chơi lượng tử.

- Sản phẩm QPE của IMERG có thể nắm bắt được trận mưa lớn trên quy mô lũ lụt đô thị không?

- Số hóa để đạt được chuỗi cung ứng chăm sóc sức khỏe xanh hơn.

- Đặc điểm phát thải bioaerosol từ nhà máy xử lý nước thải đô thị: Đánh giá rủi ro sức khỏe và thành phần vi sinh vật.

- Các cơ chế phi tuyến của phát thải CO2 trong các thành phố phát triển và thu hẹp: Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm về tác động tích hợp của lão hóa và cấu trúc công nghiệp ở Nhật Bản.

- PCDD/Fs trong không khí đô thị: Nồng độ trong khí quyển, thay đổi theo thời gian, phân chia khí/hạt, nguồn gốc có thể và nguy cơ ung thư.

Về môi trường khu công nghiệp

- Gia tăng giá trị của khí thải từ nhà máy thép thông qua việc kéo dài chuỗi thành các sản phẩm có giá trị gia tăng cao hơn: Đánh giá vòng đời triển vọng.

- Một phương pháp đánh giá rủi ro lai mới dưới môi trường mờ ảo trong ngành công nghiệp thép.

- Đánh giá tác động môi trường và ra quyết định khắc phục ô nhiễm tại một khu vực ô nhiễm lớn: Kết hợp LCA và IO-LCA.

- Đánh giá ô nhiễm sulfonamide trong môi trường nước: Báo cáo đầu tiên cho Argentina và đánh giá rủi ro môi trường.

- Kiểm tra mô hình trung gian chuỗi được điều chỉnh về cam kết quản lý đối với môi trường sinh thái.

- Ảnh hưởng của hàm lượng tạp chất đến hành vi ăn mòn của hợp kim Al-Zn-Mg-Cu trong môi trường khí quyển biển nhiệt đới.

- Mô hình kết nối và mô phỏng khả năng phục hồi của mạng lưới đổi mới trong bối cảnh chuyển giao công nghệ: Nghiên cứu trường hợp của các ngành công nghiệp chiến lược mới nổi ở khu vực Vịnh Đại Hong Kong-Macao.

- Triển khai khí thải nhà kính (GED): Một phương pháp Lean mới để giảm thiểu khí thải nhà kính trong môi trường công nghiệp.

- Chương trình giám sát amiăng Aachen (ASPA): Tử vong do ung thư ở những công nhân ngành công nghiệp điện lực tiếp xúc với amiăng.

- Tối ưu hóa đa biến của việc loại bỏ chất hữu cơ và màu từ nước thải ngành nhuộm dệt bằng các chất oxi hóa hoạt hóa bằng tia cực tím.

Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!


1. Statistical analysis and environmental impact of pre-existing particle growth events in a Northern Chinese coastal megacity: A 725-day study in 2010-2018
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 933, 10 July 2024, 173227


Pre-existing particles usually constitute the major fraction of atmospheric particles, except during some episodes in the presence of strong emissions and/or secondary generation of fresh particles. Previous case studies have investigated the growth of pre-existing particles and their potential environmental and climate impacts. However, there is limited knowledge about the statistical characteristics of these growth events and related effects. In this study, we examine pre-existing particle growth events using a large dataset (725 days from 2010 to 2018) collected at a coastal megacity in northern China. The occurrence frequency of pre-existing particle growth events was 12.4 % (90 out of 725 days). When these events were related to measured criteria air pollutants, no significant differences were found in PM2.5, SO2, NO2 and NO2 + O3 concentrations between periods with and without pre-existing particle growth events. These 90-day events can be further classified into two categories, i.e., Category 1, with 68 % of events representing the growth of pre-existing particles alone, and Category 2, with 32 % of events representing the simultaneous growth of pre-existing and newly formed particles. In Category 2, the growth rates of pre-existing particles and newly formed particles were close in 21 % of the cases, while pre-existing particles exhibited significantly larger growth rates in 69 % of the cases. Conversely, in 10 % of the cases, the growth rates of newly formed particles were larger. The different growth rate mechanisms were discussed in terms of the volatility of atmospheric condensation vapors. In addition, we present case studies on the impact of pre-existing particle growth on cloud condensation nuclei simultaneously measured, specifically considering the chemistry of condensation vapors and pre-existing particles.

2. Towards a high-energy efficiency world: Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on urban energy efficiency
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 461, 5 July 2024, 142593


Global warming has increased the frequency of natural disasters, making enhancing energy efficiency an inevitable choice to address the worsening global climate risks. Whether industrial robots, as a crucial component of artificial intelligence, can contribute to improving energy efficiency remains a subject of debate. This study employs the SBM and super-efficiency SBM models to assess the energy efficiency of 262 Chinese cities from 2010 to 2020. We investigate the impact and mechanisms of industrial robots at the city level on energy efficiency. The research findings indicate that the application of industrial robots promotes enhanced energy efficiency, which remains robust after subjecting it to a battery of tests, including SYS-GMM and instrumental variable analyses. However, a significant nonlinear relationship exists between industrial robot utilization and energy efficiency, with diminishing marginal effects. Mechanism analysis reveals that the fundamental mechanisms facilitating this improvement are the digital economy, industrial structural adjustments, and innovations in green technology. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that industrial robots have a more pronounced impact on cities with higher energy efficiency, greater manufacturing levels in resource-dependent areas, and lower population densities. Furthermore, the application of industrial robots can influence the energy efficiency of neighboring regions through spatial spillover effects.

3. Spatiotemporal characteristics analysis of multi-factorial air pollution in the Jing-Jin-Ji region based on improved sequential ICI method and novel grey spatiotemporal incidence models
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 118948


Air pollution shares the attributes of multi-factorial influence and spatiotemporal complexity, leading to air pollution control assistance models easily falling into a state of failure. To address this issue, we design a framework containing improved data fusion method, novel grey incidence models and air pollution spatiotemporal analysis to analyze the complex characteristics of air pollution under the fusion of multiple factors. Firstly, we improve the existing data fusion method for multi-factor fusion. Subsequently, we construct two grey spatiotemporal incidence models to examine the spatiotemporal characteristics of multi-factorial air pollution in network relationships and changing trends. Furthermore, we propose two new properties that can manifest the performance of grey incidence analysis, and we provide detailed proof of the properties of the new models. Finally, in the Jing-Jin-Ji region, the novel models are used to study the network relationships and trend changes of air pollution. The findings are as follows: (1) Two highly polluted belts in the region require attention. (2) Although the air pollution network under multi-factorial fusion obeys the first law of geography, the network density and node density exhibit significant variations. (3) From 2013 to 2021, all pollutants except O3 show improvement. (4) Recommendations for responses are presented based on the above-mentioned results. (5) The parameter analyses, model comparisons, Monte Carlo experiments and model feature summaries illustrate that the proposed models are practical, interpretable and considerably outperform various prevailing competitors with remarkable universality.

4. Parsing India's mercury crisis: A socioeconomic take reveals the defining role of domestic consumerism
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142742


India is undergoing rapid industrialisation and globalisation, with a vast and growing population. Rising atmospheric mercury (Hg) emissions are one of the severe environmental crises the country faces as a result of this fast-paced development. India is the second largest emitter of Hg in the world. Here, we study the domestic and foreign socioeconomic drivers of India's Hg emission increases over time. We find that the growing domestic per capita final demand level is the most important driver of India's Hg emissions increase, having been responsible for 88% of the total increase of 125 tons (t) during 2004–2017. In contrast, India's changing Hg emission intensity and economic structure contributed to a cumulative decrease in emissions, albeit to a much lower extent (about 22 t). Given the importance of socioeconomic drivers, there is an urgent need to account for them in India's Hg emission mitigation efforts. The Minamata Convention on Mercury currently targets reduced manufacture, trade and use of Hg, and its reduced environmental releases among others. It must also begin to incorporate considerations of evolving socioeconomic drivers such as increasing consumerism and changing economic structures. Thereby it can inspire multi-faceted solutions to the global mercury pollution crisis.

5. Government fiscal decentralization and haze and carbon reduction: Evidence from the fiscal Province-Managing-County reform
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 119020


Government governance reform is not only a vital motivation for high economic quality but also an important factor in stimulating the government's environmental governance responsibility. The article empirically examines the fiscal Province-Managing-County (PMC) pilot reform on the synergic governance of haze and carbon reduction and its mechanism. The results show that the policy helps to realize the synergic governance of haze and carbon reduction, and the reform of fiscal Province-Managing-County promotes regional haze and carbon reduction mainly through structural effect, innovation effect, and fiscal expenditure responsibility effect. The heterogeneity analysis shows that the policy has an asymmetric effect on haze and carbon reduction under different administrative structures, economic structures and levels of government intervention. Further analysis shows a policy linkage effect between this policy and the Green Fiscal Policy. The policy has the situation of blood-sucking in the provincial capital city and leads to an increase in financial funds. The above results prove that the policy can help to realize haze and carbon reduction and provide practical ideas for the further expansion of the policy. At the same time, it provides the direction for the local government to realize the double-carbon goal.

6. Sustainable product design factors: A comprehensive analysis
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142260


Sustainable product design (SPD) is instrumental in improving the sustainability of a product throughout its entire life cycle. To attain this goal, decisions related to SPD should consider a spectrum of influential factors. Despite numerous SPD studies, a unified perspective among their findings is lacking, and comprehensive research on SPD factors is still needed. This gap in research affects the ability to comprehensively address the potential economic, environmental, and social impacts associated with each life cycle stage of a product during its design phase. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the SPD factors available in the literature. To achieve this objective, the methodology involved: (1) conducting a systematic review of literature to explore SPD factors, (2) categorizing the key factors into themes related to product sustainability using an inductive approach, and (3) mapping these factors across the entire product life cycle. In the literature reviewed, a total of 297 factors pertaining to the economic, environmental, and social aspects of SPD were identified. Among these, 219 factors were mentioned only once in the in the articles analyzed, while 43 factors were frequently addressed by at least three papers. These frequently considered factors were categorized into nine primary themes: quality and reliability, manufacturability, costs, and financial gain under the economic aspect; resources, waste and emissions, and end-of-life (EOL) management under the environmental aspect; and functionality and usability, and social well-being under the social aspect. In light of their influence on life cycle-oriented product design, this study mapped the factors across the total product life cycle (TPLC) stages. The results of this paper provide valuable insights into SPD by addressing its impacts on sustainability throughout the life cycle of a product. Future research can capitalize on these results to comprehensively address issues concerning product sustainability.

7. Agricultural carbon reduction in China: The synergy effect of trade and technology on sustainable development
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 119025


The control of carbon emissions from agriculture is imperative in addressing the challenges posed by the greenhouse effect. China must develop a specific pathway for reducing its agricultural carbon emissions, accounting for its unique circumstances and considering the impacts of trade liberalization. (1) The study revealing that agricultural trade liberalization (ATL) has a marked effect on lowering China's agricultural carbon emission intensity (ACEI), with robustness and endogeneity tests supporting these findings. (2) In the pursuit of emissions reduction, the crucial role of technology spillovers (TS) and the optimization of industrial structure (OIS) are essential. (3) The reduction in ACEI is particularly notable in coastal regions, areas with low environmental regulations and during periods characterized by more stable agricultural tariffs. This study shows a synergistic association between ATL and ACEI, indicates the potential for a mutually beneficial situation with advantages in both economic and environmental aspects.

8. An integrated framework consisting of spatiotemporal evolution and driving force analyses for early warning management of water quality
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142628


Accurate water quality diagnosis is of great importance for lake ecosystem restoration and regional ecological security. Addressing the challenges of uncertainties in water quality evaluation results and their complex nonlinear responses to driving factors, an integrated framework consisting of spatiotemporal evolution and driving force analyses was developed for early warning management of water quality. It included: (1) a water quality diagnosis module that accurately clarified the evolution patterns of water quality by coupling fuzzy theory and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index; and (2) a driving force analysis module that revealed the driving mechanism and identified the key driving forces of water quality evolution through the generalized additive model. The integrated framework was applied to Baiyangdian Lake with the following results. (1) Spatially, the water quality in the eastern region was better than that in the western region. Temporally, water quality showed an initial downward trend followed by an upward trend with 2008 as the breakpoint, highlighting the lagged effect of ecological water replenishment policies on water quality improvement. (2) The impact of human activities (59.92%) on water quality was higher than that of climate change (40.08%), and water replenishment amount, evapotranspiration, wetland coverage pattern, water level, and hydrological connectivity were identified as the crucial driving forces. (3) Linear and nonlinear effects coexisted among different driving forces, and the thresholds were determined for wetland coverage pattern (69%), water level (7.0–7.5 m) and hydrological connectivity (0.117). Considering the complexity of water environment system, the integrated framework can improve the early warning capacity of water quality to risks, and support targeted recommendation strategies for adaptive management of water quality.

9. Does environmental innovation have peer effects? The moderating role of slack resources and avoidance goal orientation
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 119019


Exploring the interactive patterns of environmental innovation behavior among firms is of great significance for improving the level of environmental innovation in the whole industry and achieving sustainable development. Based on social interaction theory, this study examines the peer effect of a firm's environmental innovation and the moderating effects of slack resources and avoidance goal orientation. A total of 1210 listed companies in China's manufacturing industry from 2015 to 2020 comprised the research sample, and the researchers used multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. The results indicate a peer effect of environmental innovation among firms; that is, firms' environmental innovation will positively impact the environmental innovation of other firms in the industry. Slack resources positively moderate the peer effect of environmental innovation among firms, and firms' avoidance goal orientation weakens that moderating effect. This study reveals the internal mechanism of the peer effect of environmental innovation and provides new management implications for managers' environmental-innovation decision-making.

10. Threshold-determined ecological risk early warning models are effective tools for conservation strategies guiding
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142630


The early warning of ecological risk is the primary tool for curbing ecological degradation. There is a lag effect between the ecological risk and driving factors. Therefore, the threshold of driving factors can be used as an indispensable means of identifying potential threats to ecosystems. How to carry out ecological risk early warnings based on these thresholds requires further study. In this study, a comprehensive ecological risk assessment model (CERA) was established by combining landscape ecological risk assessment (LERA) and regional ecological risk assessment (RERA). The response thresholds of naturally and anthropogenically driven factors to CERA were determined using the constraint line method and elasticity analysis. Based on these results, an ecological risk early warning model was constructed. The results showed the following: (1) LERA showed an increasing trend, whereas RERA decreased between 2000 and 2020. (2) CERA showed a decreasing trend, but with large fluctuations. The CERA level showed a high center and low surroundings. (3) The non-linear relationship between CERA and drivers showed that CERA was higher in regions with a Digital Elevation Model <212.214, slope <1.036, rainfall <570.149, Gross Domestic Product <1.115, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index <0.576, population <251.927, cropland density <0.341, building density <0.056, and water density <0.341. (4) The WJL area showed a high-level of ecological risk warning, with 44.69% (22,791 km2) at Level IV and 23.8% (12,184 km2) at Level V warnings. Particularly, Level V warnings dominated the potential space by 51%. Areas like Tongyu and Da'an, exceeding 50% of Level V, require urgent attention. This study has elucidated the critical thresholds of CERA under various factors and, based on these thresholds, develops an ecological risk-warning model. This model can directly interpret the reasons for high-level warnings and provides essential support for broad ecological management and restoration efforts.

11. Nanomaterials: Applications, health implications and environmental risks
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 118706


the current Special Issue of Environmental Research, entitled "Nanomaterials: Applications, Health Implications and Environmental Risks”, 18 interesting scientific articles, including 16 research articles and 2 reviews, discuss the emerging applications of nanomaterials, with an emphasis on biomedical research, agricultural development, and environmental remediation. Furthermore, they stress the critical need for toxicological investigations that multifacetedly assess the biological hazards and ecotoxicological risks of nanoscale materials in order to ensure that their utilization is safe and sustainable.

Based on the above, the authors have approached this broad topic from three main perspectives. Firstly, 5 articles authored by Sebastiammal et al. (2022), Jayakodi et al. (2022), Bala et al. (2022), Mathivanan et al. (2023), and Vardakas et al. (2022) evaluate the biological properties of various nanomaterials with the purpose of their utilization in biomedical applications. Then, 6 articles authored by Sonawane et al. (2022), Vijeata et al. (2022), Jafari and Hatami (2022), Kamaraj et al. (2022a), Joy Prabu et al. (Joy Prabu et al., 2022), and Goyat et al. (2022) examine the intrinsic properties of several nanoscale materials with the purpose of their utilization in agricultural and environmental applications. Finally, 7 articles authored by Bommakanti et al. (2022), Vijayakumar et al. 2022 (Vijayakumar et al. 2022), Bao et al. (2022), Li et al. (2022), Kartsonakis et al. (2023), Jafari et al. (2022), and Kamaraj et al. (2022b) determine the hazardous properties of nanoscale materials in in vitro and in vivo experimental models for the characterization of their toxicological and ecotoxicological profile.

12. Ecological conservation redline delineation in flood detention areas: A case study in Anxiang County, Yangtze River Basin, China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142662


Ecological conservation redline (ECRL) is a rigorously defined regulatory boundary established within critical zones, including ecological functional areas, ecologically sensitive regions, and vulnerable areas. It serves as the foundational threshold for preserving the ecological security of both national and regional contexts. Flood detention areas constitute a pivotal facet within the realm of ecological functionality. The delineation of ECRL boundaries for these flood detention areas aims to optimize the ecological structural composition, augmenting their capacity to provide ecosystem services. This endeavor holds profound implications of practical significance. However, there is currently a lack of methods for delineating ECRLs in flood detention areas. To address the above problem, taking Anxiang County in the Yangtze River Basin of China as an example, this study establishes a regional flood regulation service evaluation method through in-depth investigation and analysis of the ecosystem in the area. The method considers the importance of the evaluation of five ecosystem services, including flood regulation, water conservation, soil conservation, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration. Based on these evaluations, the ECRL for Anxiang County is ultimately determined, with the area of 198.62 km2, accounting for 18.12% of the total area. Additionally, from the perspective of ecosystem service spatial transfer, a quantitative study is conducted on the ecosystem service radiation effect of the ECRL in Anxiang County, estimated to be approximately 1,462 million CNY. Overall, this study provides a theoretical basis for delineating ECRL in flood detention areas and developing corresponding ecological compensation systems for the watershed.

13. Environmental chemical-wide associations with immune biomarkers in US adults: A cross-sectional analysis
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 118956


Environmental chemical exposures influence immune system functions, and humans are exposed to a wide range of chemicals, termed the chemical "exposome”. A comprehensive, discovery analysis of the associations of multiple chemical families with immune biomarkers is needed. In this study, we tested the associations between environmental chemical concentrations and immune biomarkers. We analyzed the United States cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, 1999–2018). Chemical biomarker concentrations were measured in blood or urine (196 chemicals, 17 chemical families). Immune biomarkers included counts of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, red blood cells, white blood cells, and mean corpuscular volume. We conducted separate survey-weighted, multivariable linear regressions of each log2-transformed chemical and immune measure, adjusted for relevant covariates. We accounted for multiple comparisons using a false discovery rate (FDR). Among 45,528 adult participants, the mean age was 45.7 years, 51.4% were female, and 69.3% were Non-Hispanic White. 71 (36.2%) chemicals were associated with at least one of the eight immune biomarkers. The most chemical associations (FDR<0.05) were observed with mean corpuscular volume (36 chemicals) and red blood cell counts (35 chemicals). For example, a doubling in the concentration of cotinine was associated with 0.16 fL (95% CI: 0.15, 0.17; FDR<0.001) increased mean corpuscular volume, and a doubling in the concentration of blood lead was associated with 61,736 increased red blood cells per μL (95% CI: 54,335, 69,138; FDR<0.001). A wide variety of chemicals, such as metals and smoking-related compounds, were highly associated with immune system biomarkers. This environmental chemical-wide association study identified chemicals from multiple families for further toxicological, immunologic, and epidemiological investigation.

14. Salt distribution and alkalinity characterization in bauxite residue disposal areas from the spatial scale range
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142585


Bauxite residue (red mud) has high alkalinity and salinity, which seriously restricts its reuse. It is crucial to understand the salt distribution pattern and alkalinity characteristics in the bauxite residue disposal area (BRDA), which can provide a theoretical basis for realizing the salinity and alkalinity regulation and reuse of bauxite residue. In this paper, samples from different locations and depths of the BRDA were used for the determination of soluble salts content, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC), and the correlation between the indicators was analyzed. The results show that bauxite residue has a high content of soluble salts, and the spatial distribution of soluble salts in the BRDA is relatively complex, with moderate variability, but does not show an obvious regularity. The major cations are Na+, K+ and the major anions are CO32−, HCO3−. Through cluster analysis, the soluble ions in bauxite residue can be divided into two main groups, one is Na+, CO32−, HCO3−, and the other is Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Cl− and SO42−. PH has a significant positive correlation with Na+, K+, CO32− and HCO3−, and a negative correlation with Ca2+. And its alkalinity depends to a large extent on carbonate and bicarbonate, and the Na+ content can be predicted from EC, thus reflecting the concentration of alkaline residues in the bauxite residue.

15. Global climate change: Effects of future temperatures on emergency department visits for mental disorders in Beijing, China
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 3, 1 July 2024, 119044


Rising temperatures can increase the risk of mental disorders. As climate change intensifies, the future disease burden due to mental disorders may be underestimated. Using data on the number of daily emergency department visits for mental disorders at 30 hospitals in Beijing, China during 2016–2018, the relationship between daily mean temperature and such visits was assessed using a quasi-Poisson model integrated with a distributed lag nonlinear model. Emergency department visits for mental disorders attributed to temperature changes were projected using 26 general circulation models under four climate change scenarios. Stratification analyses were then conducted by disease subtype, sex, and age. The results indicate that the temperature-related health burden from mental disorders was projected to increase consistently throughout the 21st century, mainly driven by high temperatures. The future temperature-related health burden was higher for patients with mental disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances and schizophrenia as well as for women and those aged <65 years. These findings enhance our knowledge of how climate change could affect mental well-being and can be used to advance and refine targeted approaches to mitigating and adapting to climate change with a view on addressing mental disorders.

16. Towards a connected world: Collaborative networks as a tool to accomplish the SDGs
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142726


Collaborative networks (CNs) are joint entities of autonomous partners that work towards a common goal with shared resources and roles. In 2016, the United Nations announced 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030 agenda. SDG 17 is "Partnerships for the goals” highlighting the importance of cross-country and cross-company collaborative action. Although the link between CNs and sustainable development is frequently declared, no study in the literature investigates the connection between CNs and the SDGs. This systematic literature review (SLR) follows the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Based on the SLR results, a context-interventions-mechanisms-outcomes (CIMO) framework for CNs is proposed, serving as a tool to comprehend the types of CNs to achieve the SDGs. Only 10 out of 77 articles mentioned the SDGs they address. The norm is to focus on a single SDG per study and not assess the dimension of the impact on the SDGs or the trade-offs that can be established between them. The most frequently mentioned SDGs in the text are SDG 9 and SDG 12, with only 2 articles focusing on the social dimension. SDG 10 and SDG 16 were not mentioned in any of the articles. The majority of articles are case studies and technical papers, developing scale-up solutions and creating value from waste. The identified gaps lead to the proposition of several potential research areas: 1) the need for developing mechanisms that allow CNs to effectively implement interventions that achieve specific SDGs; 2) the lack of studies incorporating the social dimension given the social nature of the SDGs; 3) few SDGs are addressed by CNs (particularly SDG 9 and SDG 12) and majority of SDGs are ignored; 4) there is a scarcity of studies targeting the tertiary sector; 5) the need for alignment of CNs' business models with the SDGs; 6) a lack of studies addressing specific SDGs (6, 10, and 16); and 7) the necessity of studies demonstrating collaboration between industry and academia for systemic change. The study aids decision-makers in identifying policies that facilitate the formation of CNs aligned with the SDGs.


1. Pattern of cooling benefits from ecospaces during urbanization: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 932, 1 July 2024, 172974


Urban ecological spaces are effective thermoregulators under global warming. However, the cooling efficiency of urban ecological spaces during the urbanization has not been studied comprehensively. Here, we investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of Urban Cold Island (UCI) intensity in 11 typical cities of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). We determined the impact of ecological landscape trends on these dynamics by using GlobalLand and MODIS 8 d mean land surface temperature (LST) data for three periods (2000, 2010, and 2020), and the landscape pattern index and diversity index. We found that in the past 20 years, the built-up area has increased by sixfold; 62.53 % and 37.47 % of YREB were warming or cooling, with 71.22 % of the daytime cooling and 93 % of the nighttime warming. The average UCI intensity of YREB has increased from 0.518 to 0.847 and is negatively correlated with LST with a decreasing slope. As the UCI intensity of green spaces increased, that of blue spaces decreased. Surface area and landscape pattern are the key determinants of UCI intensity in blue and green spaces, respectively, especially the landscape shape index (LSI). Therefore, maintaining ecological spaces, enriching the structural integrity of green spaces, and improving blue space connectivity can help cities at different development levels cope with heat stress during regional urbanization.

2. Scalar transport after a high-resolution solitary fractal tree based on large-eddy simulation: Implication to urban green infrastructure
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 461, 5 July 2024, 142693


Scalar transport is one of the most concerned issues in the urban environment (e.g., pollutants, pollens, and aeolian transport). Vegetations are commonly regarded as scalar-moderation structures in urban areas by influencing airflows, avoiding aeolian erosion and pollution. The morphological multi-scale branch structures of the single tree were usually neglected in previous studies, which, however, can lead to highly inhomogeneous wake. The turbulence generation through the multi-scale branches is not yet clear. The corresponding spatial details of scalar distribution and its mechanism need to be further examined. In this study, the wake after a single fractal tree is investigated using the large-eddy simulation (LES). The spatial characteristics of the wakes are illustrated, indicating susceptible zones in the canopy, first-generation levels of branches, and recirculation regions. Higher-order moments signify the rare, extreme events with strong upward acceleration, removing air masses likely to occur at the canopy shear layer within 3h downstream where h is the characteristic tree height. The quadrant analysis elucidates the scalar transport potential. The scalar distribution and its transport mechanism are visualized, showing dilution and accumulation by the streamwise and vertical velocities. Involving the multi-scale geometries of the tree can provide guidance for urban green infrastructure (UGI) planning, advancing environmental and sustainability development.

3. Apportioning sources of chemicals of emerging concern along an urban river with inverse modelling
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 933, 10 July 2024, 172827


Concentrations of chemicals in river water provide crucial information for assessing environmental exposure and risks from fertilisers, pesticides, heavy metals, illicit drugs, pathogens, pharmaceuticals, plastics and perfluorinated substances, among others. However, using concentrations measured along waterways (e.g., from grab samples) to identify sources of contaminants and understand their fate is complicated by mixing of chemicals downstream from diverse diffuse and point sources (e.g., agricultural runoff, wastewater treatment plants). To address this challenge, a novel inverse modelling approach is presented. Using waterway network topology, it quantifies locations and concentrations of contaminant sources upstream by inverting concentrations measured in water samples. It is computationally efficient and quantifies uncertainty. The approach is demonstrated for 13 contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in an urban stream, the R. Wandle (London, UK). Mixing (the forward problem) was assumed to be conservative, and the location of sources and their concentrations were treated as unknowns to be identified. Calculated CEC source concentrations, which ranged from below detection limit (a few ng/L) up to 1μg/L, were used to predict concentrations of chemicals downstream. Using this approach, >90% of data were predicted within observational uncertainty. Principal component analysis of calculated source concentrations revealed signatures of two distinct chemical sources. First, pharmaceuticals and insecticides were associated with a subcatchment containing a known point source of treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant. Second, illicit drugs and salicylic acid were associated with multiple sources, interpreted as input from untreated sewage including Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), misconnections, runoff and direct disposal throughout the catchment. Finally, a simple algorithmic approach that incorporates network topology was developed to design sampling campaigns to improve resolution of source apportionment. Inverse modelling of contaminant measurements can provide objective means to apportion sources in waterways from spot samples in catchments on a large scale.

4. Pathways to zero plastic waste in Chinese cities: Implications of different disposal options under the zero waste cities policy
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142747


The disposal of municipal plastic waste (MPW) is crucial to the sustainable development of cities. China generates a large amount of MPW and the disposal methods vary with the level of urban development. This study analyzed the MPW disposal transformation in six groups of China cities at different development level. The results show that landfill is still the main disposal method in the fourth and fifth tier cities, while incineration has become the dominant disposal method in the higher-tier cities. The speed of transforming from landfill to incineration is faster at the higher-tier cities except the first-tier cities due to the large population and limited land resources. Scenario analysis implies that landfill and interim storage MPW could reduce 25%–35% by enhancing incineration and 51%–57% by enhancing recycling. There is still a big potential for lower-tier cities to enhance its incineration capacity, yet improving the recycling should be a more sustainable pathway especially for higher-tier cities.

5. Detection of mpox virus in wastewater provides forewarning of clinical cases in Canadian cities
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 933, 10 July 2024, 173108


Wastewater-based surveillance (WBS) has shown to be an effective tool in monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and has helped guide public health actions. Consequently, WBS has expanded to now include the monitoring of mpox virus (MPXV) to contribute to its mitigation efforts. In this study, we demonstrate a unique sample processing and a molecular diagnostic strategy for MPXV detection that can inform on the epidemiological situation of mpox outbreaks through WBS.

We conducted WBS for MPXV in 22 Canadian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for 14 weeks. Three MPXV qPCR assays were assessed in this study for the detection of MPXV which include the G2R assays (G2R_WA and G2R_G) developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2010, and an in-house-developed assay that we have termed G2R_NML. The G2R_NML assay was designed using reference genomes from the 2022 MPXV outbreak and provides a larger qPCR amplicon size to facilitate Sanger sequencing.

Results show that all three assays have similar limits of detection and are able to detect the presence of MPXV in wastewater. The G2R_NML assay produced a significantly greater number of Sanger sequence-confirmed MPXV results compared to the CDC G2R assays. Detection of MPXV was possible where provincial surveillance indicated overall low caseloads, and in some sites forewarning of up to several weeks was observed.

Overall, this study proposes that WBS of MPXV provides additional information to help fill knowledge gaps in clinical case-surveillance and is potentially an essential component to the management of mpox.

6. Carbon emission allowances and green development efficiency
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142246


This study delves into the nexus between the efficiency of carbon emission allocation and the efficiency of green development within the context of innovative city construction. Leveraging data from 283 prefecture-level cities and corresponding provincial-level panel data spanning the period from 2005 to 2019 in mainland China, the research employs the zero-sum gain DEA model to compute provincial carbon emission allocation efficiency and allocate allowances. Furthermore, it utilizes the all-factor non-radial directional distance function and the SBM-DEA model to gauge the green development efficiency of prefecture-level cities. The double-difference method is applied to evaluate the impact of innovative city construction on regional green development efficiency. The results indicate that an imbalance between carbon emission allocation efficiency and emission quotas detrimentally affects urban green development. However, technological progress, factor accumulation, and the institutional environment associated with innovative city building mitigate this negative impact. Heterogeneity analysis reveals a differentiated effect of innovative city building on regional green development efficiency. This paper not only explores the concept of achieving an equitable distribution of carbon emission allowances but also examines how innovative city building influences regional green development. By establishing connections between urban policies, the equitable distribution of carbon emission allowances, and regional green development, it introduces a new perspective for promoting high-quality development at the regional level.

7. Detection of mpox virus in wastewater provides forewarning of clinical cases in Canadian cities
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 933, 10 July 2024, 173108


Wastewater-based surveillance (WBS) has shown to be an effective tool in monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and has helped guide public health actions. Consequently, WBS has expanded to now include the monitoring of mpox virus (MPXV) to contribute to its mitigation efforts. In this study, we demonstrate a unique sample processing and a molecular diagnostic strategy for MPXV detection that can inform on the epidemiological situation of mpox outbreaks through WBS.

We conducted WBS for MPXV in 22 Canadian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for 14 weeks. Three MPXV qPCR assays were assessed in this study for the detection of MPXV which include the G2R assays (G2R_WA and G2R_G) developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2010, and an in-house-developed assay that we have termed G2R_NML. The G2R_NML assay was designed using reference genomes from the 2022 MPXV outbreak and provides a larger qPCR amplicon size to facilitate Sanger sequencing.

Results show that all three assays have similar limits of detection and are able to detect the presence of MPXV in wastewater. The G2R_NML assay produced a significantly greater number of Sanger sequence-confirmed MPXV results compared to the CDC G2R assays. Detection of MPXV was possible where provincial surveillance indicated overall low caseloads, and in some sites forewarning of up to several weeks was observed.

Overall, this study proposes that WBS of MPXV provides additional information to help fill knowledge gaps in clinical case-surveillance and is potentially an essential component to the management of mpox.

8. Reducing betrayal behavior in green building construction: A quantum game approach
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142760


The issue of energy consumption in buildings is becoming increasingly pertinent. Society highly values energy conservation and environmental protection, viewing the adoption of green buildings as an inevitable trajectory in the evolution of the construction sector. However, a challenge emerges during the progression of green building construction concerning betrayal within the supply chain. This paper employs a quantum game approach to tackle the issue of green building betrayal within a two-tier green building supply chain comprising developers and contractors. Initially, a non-zero-sum classical game model is formulated based on the green-building construction process between developers and contractors Subsequently, the classical strategy space is extended to the quantum strategy space. The findings indicate that in classical games, and without considering quantum entanglement, even if both parties adopt comprehensive strategies, the party exerting complete effort still faces the risk of betrayal. Conversely, in scenarios of maximum quantum entanglement, the loss incurred by the party not exerting complete effort does not affect the party making a complete effort. Consequently, when accounting for quantum entanglement, both parties tend to opt for complete effort. Lastly, an entanglement treaty is proposed to constrain the strategic choices of both parties and ensure that neither has an incentive to betray. The findings of this study provide good suggestions for green building project managers to improve the effort degree of the developer and general construction contractor in green buildings to promote the development of green buildings.

9. Can IMERG QPE product capture the heavy rain on urban flood scale?
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 933, 10 July 2024, 173022


Urban areas are increasingly vulnerable to sudden flooding disasters caused by intense rainfall and high imperviousness degree, resulting in great economic losses and human casualties. Interactions between rainfall data and urban catchment characteristics highlight the urgent need of accurate and effective precipitation data to apply in reliable hydrological simulations. However, it remains a challenge to obtain accurate rainfall datasets on such small scales in urban areas. As satellite remote sensing is the only method that can achieve global observation, it is important to evaluate satellite precipitation products in their ability to accurately capture intense precipitation on urban flood scales. This study evaluates the performance of the latest version 06B (V06B) Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) in North China Plain, with using the Radar-Gauge merged precipitation estimates as reference data. First, it could be concluded that IMERG fails to accurately estimate precipitation in the whole study area, having the problem of overestimating light precipitation and underestimating heavy precipitation. Second, results show that IMERG has poor ability to capture heavy precipitation on small scales, with the percentage of Hit nearly 0 and the percentage of Miss higher than 40 % for all the precipitation cases. Third, with the expansion of heavy precipitation centers' coverage, the problem of IMERG not to detect heavy precipitation gets mitigated, with the percentage of Miss decreasing by 14 % (19 %). However, the ability to capture both spatial location and precipitation intensity is still not good, the percentage of Hit ranging from 0.05 % to 7 %, without obvious improvement. When IMERG is able to capture the center of strong precipitation, it also tends to overestimate the weak precipitation around the center of strong precipitation. Results of this study provide an improved understanding of how well the V06B IMERG products capture the heavy precipitation center at small scales in urban areas, which will be useful for both developers and users of IMERG.

10. Digitalization to achieve greener healthcare supply chain
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 463, 15 July 2024, 142802


The push for digital transformation in the healthcare sector offers promising potential for reducing waste, enhancing resource utilization, and significantly diminishing the carbon footprint of healthcare operations. However, a pivotal challenge that emerges in the quest for a greener healthcare supply chain is interoperability. Through a qualitative methodology, this study delved into the interoperability challenges within Singapore's public healthcare supply chain by conducting in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. The analysis revealed four primary interoperability challenges: technological, data-centric, social, and stakeholder-related obstacles. These challenges span both social and technical aspects, aligning with a socio-technical system perspective. In response, this research proposes a conceptual framework for a digital-enabled, green public healthcare supply chain. The framework comprises four interrelated components to tackle the interoperability challenges: adopting an ecosystem perspective, fostering resilience orientation for the healthcare supply chain, recognizing the pivotal role of technology as a driver and enabler, and implementing necessary management changes and support. The findings of this study are poised to make a substantial contribution to integrating healthcare operations with broader sustainability objectives, advancing towards the goal of net-zero emissions.

11. Spatial distribution and assembly processes of bacterial communities in riverine and coastal ecosystems of a rapidly urbanizing megacity in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 934, 15 July 2024, 173298


Rapid urbanization has precipitated significant anthropogenic pollution (nutrients and pathogens) in urban rivers and their receiving systems, which consequentially disrupted the compositions and assembly of bacterial community within these ecosystems. However, there remains scarce information regarding the composition and assembly of both planktonic and benthic bacterial communities as well as pathogen distribution in such environments. In this study, full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing was conducted to investigate the bacterial community composition, interactions, and assembly processes as well as the distribution of potential pathogens along a riverine-coastal continuum in Shenzhen megacity, China. The results indicated that both riverine and coastal bacterial communities were predominantly composed of Gammaproteobacteria (24.8 ± 12.6 %), Alphaproteobacteria (16.1 ± 9.8 %), and Bacteroidota (14.3 ± 8.6 %), while sedimentary bacterial communities exhibited significantly higher diversity compared to their planktonic counterparts. Bacterial community patterns exhibited significant divergences across different habitats, and a significant distance-decay relationship of bacterial community similarity was particularly observed within the urban river ecosystem. Moreover, the urban river ecosystem displayed a more complex bacterial co-occurrence network than the coastal ecosystem, and a low ratio of negative:positive cohesion suggested the inherent instability of these networks. Homogeneous selection and dispersal limitation emerged as the predominant influences on planktonic and sedimentary bacterial communities, respectively. Pathogenic genera such as Vibrio, Bacteroides, and Acinetobacter, known for their roles in foodborne diseases or wound infection, were also identified. Collectively, these findings provided critical insights into bacterial community dynamics and their implications for ecosystem management and pathogen risk control in riverine and coastal environments impacted by rapid urbanization.

12. Nature-based solutions for fast-growing city regions: A new spatial equilibrium model for complementary urban green space planning
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142671


Urban green spaces assume a pivotal role in city-level nature-based solutions for sustainable development. Parks, street greening, and community greens play a significant role in regulating the urban microenvironment, enhancing subjective well-being, and increasing regional attractiveness. Additionally, urban greenbelts have the capacity to control urban sprawl, thereby influencing housing prices and population distribution. However, the exisiting urban models have typically addressed greenbelts and other green spaces in isolation, resulting in fragmented planning strategies. This study aims to establish a novel spatial equilibrium model that accurately assesses the socio-economic effects resulting from the combined impact of various urban green spaces. This model encompasses green infrastructure components and carefully balances their appeal against the consequent rise in housing costs. The proposed model can elucidate the latent synergistic interactions among multiple urban green policies, which enables urban policymakers to access the multifaceted impacts of greening policy combinations. and suggests that combining different urban greening policies can mitigate the negative effects of a single policy type, such as population redistribution. A case study based on empirical data from Shanghai, China, has been employed to identify the additional value associated with diverse urban green spaces. The scenario analysis suggests that combining different urban greening policies can alleviate the negative impacts of urban population relocation. These findings furnish urban planners and policymakers with novel insights to develop the distribution strategy of urban green spaces via judicious policy integration. Consequently, the proposed model furnishes a novel academic standpoint on the role of urban green spaces within the context of nature-based solution for sustainable development of metropolitan conglomerates and nascent urban agglomerations amidst the evolving post-COVID-19 environment.

13. Characteristics of bioaerosol emissions from a municipal wastewater treatment plant: Health risk assessment and microbial composition
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 934, 15 July 2024, 173096


Bioaerosols released from municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) contain pathogenic microorganisms, if dispersed into the atmosphere, which pose potential health risks to humans. In this study, the concentrations and size distribution of bioaerosol, factors on the bioaerosol emission, exposure risk, and microbial composition in different treatment units of a MWWTP were investigated. The results showed that bioaerosol was released to different degrees in each treatment unit, with the concentrations of bioaerosol varied widely, ranging from 978 to 3710 CFU/m3. FG and PST were primary bioaerosol emission sources in MWWTP. COD concentration, wind speed (WS) and relative humidity (RH) significantly influenced bioaerosol concentrations. The proportion of inhalable particles (< 4.7 μm) ranged from 51.35 % to 83.33 %, and bioaerosol emitted from WWTP caused a non-carcinogenic risk to children by the exposure risk assessment (HI > 1), which need to be paid more attention. Bacterial, fungal and actinomycete aerosols were detected in each treatment unit of MWWTP. Among these bioaerosols, bacterial aerosol was dominant. Importantly, several pathogenic bacteria including Sphingobium, Brevundimonas, Romboutsia, Arcobacter, Acinetobacter, and Mycobacterium were identified within the airborne bacteria population, most of which originated from wastewater or sludge, particularly in the ambient air of AeT. Pathogenic bacteria from MWWTP should be studied further to determine their long-term behavior and possible health risks.

14. Nonlinear mechanisms of CO2 emissions in growing and shrinking cities: An empirical study on integrated effects of aging and industrial structure in Japan
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142665


For the first time, this research aims to reveal how population age changes the nexus of industrial structure upgrading-carbon emissions under urban growth and shrinkage using a panel threshold model. Population aging, industrial structure upgrading, and CO2 emission mitigation represent three main challenges for urban development globally. However, only a few studies have integrated these challenges under the same framework, especially in the context of differentiated urban development patterns. Taking Japan as an example, urban development patterns are classified into four types using urban population and population density data from 2010 to 2020, including growth type, potential shrinking type, smart shrinking type, and continuous shrinking type. Each type's CO2 emission patterns regarding energy consumption are then examined. After controlling for several socioeconomic and urban land scale variables, population aging and industry structure were used as the threshold variable and the key explanatory variable in the panel threshold model, respectively. The results showed that growing cities have lower carbon emissions than any of the shrinking cities in terms of CO2 emissions per capita. A single-threshold effect of population aging was detected that changes the nexus of industrial structure upgrading-CO2 emissions in potentially shrinking cities and continuously shrinking cities, while no such nonlinear effect was detected in the growing group. The mitigating effect of industrial structure upgrading on CO2 emissions per capita increases as the aging level crosses 23.71% in potentially shrinking cities. In contrast, the promoting effect of industrial structure upgrading on CO2 emissions per capita weakens as the aging level crosses 20.27% in continuously shrinking cities. This study implies a nonlinear mechanism of CO2 emissions considering the integrated effects of aging and industrial structure, contributing to developing a rational and efficient emission reduction strategy considering differentiated urban development patterns.

15. Urban air PCDD/Fs: Atmospheric concentrations, temporal changes, gas/particle partitioning, possible sources and cancer risks
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 934, 15 July 2024, 173231


Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) are pollutants of concern due to their toxic effects. No active sampling study on PCDD/Fs has been conducted in Bursa. This study aimed to fill this gap by measuring PCDD/F levels in the region. Accordingly, the samples were collected from an urban area in Bursa, covering four seasons between June 2022 and April 2023. The total (gas+particulate) ambient air concentrations were between 312.23 and 829.80 fg/m3 (mean: 555.05 ± 173.62 fg/m3). In terms of toxic equivalents (TEQ), the average concentration was 43.29 ± 9.18 fg WHOTEQ/m3. Based on the concentration values obtained, cancer and non-carcinogenic risk values of PCDD/Fs were calculated for three different age groups. The results indicated negligible health risks for all age groups. In addition, a seasonal assessment was also made and it was observed that PCDD/F concentration values varied with the ambient air temperatures. In general, higher values were measured in colder months compared to warmer months. This was probably due to the additional sources and adverse meteorological conditions. Moreover, the gas/particle partitioning of PCDD/Fs was investigated in detail. The average gas and particulate phase concentrations for PCDD/Fs were 101.81 ± 20.77 and 453.24 ± 172.50, respectively. It was found that an equilibrium state was not reached in the gas/particle partitioning. Two different gas/particle partition models based on adsorption and absorption mechanisms were compared, and the absorption model gave more consistent predictions. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed to identify the possible PCDD/F sources. The results indicated that the region was influenced by vehicle emissions, residential heating, organized industrial zones and metal recycling facilities. In addition, 72-hour backward air mass trajectory analyses were performed to understand the long-range transported air masses. However, it was found that the transported air masses did not significantly affect the concentration values measured in the sampling site.

16. Assessment of rare earth elements variations in five water systems in Beijing: Distribution, geochemical features, and fractionation patterns
Environmental Research, Volume 252, Part 2, 1 July 2024, 118842


This study investigates the distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) within the Beijing water system, specifically examining the Yongding, Chaobai, Beiyun, Jiyun, and Daqing rivers. Results indicate that the Beiyun River exhibits the highest REE concentrations, ranging from 35.95 to 59.78 μg/mL, while the Daqing River shows the lowest concentrations, ranging from 15.79 to 17.48 μg/mL. LREEs (La to Nd) predominate with a total concentration of 23.501 μg/mL, leading to a notable LREE/HREE ratio of 7.901. Positive Ce anomalies (0.70–1.11) and strong positive Eu anomalies (1.38–2.49) were observed. The study suggests that the Beijing water system's REEs may originate from geological and anthropogenic sources, such as mining and industrial activities in neighboring regions, including Inner Mongolia. These findings underscore the importance of ongoing monitoring and effective water management strategies to address REE-related environmental concerns.


1. Effects of non-subsidized industrial policies on embedding position of power lithium-ion battery manufacturers in global value chain: Firm level evidence from China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 461, 5 July 2024, 142681


Given the phase-out of subsidies, the Chinese government has issued a series of non-subsidized industrial policies to support the development of the power Lithium-ion Battery (PLiB) industry, recognized as pivotal for achieving carbon neutrality in the transportation department. However, existing literature provides limited evidence on the contribution of non-subsidized industrial policies, particularly to the PLiB industry. To bridge this gap, using data of 31 PLiB listed firms and 279 relevant non-subsidized industrial policies, this paper analyzes the effects of non-subsidized industrial policies on the global value chain (GVC) embedding position. The results reveal that non-subsidized industrial policies significantly raise the GVC embedding position of Chinese PLiB firms, and the positive effects are prone to increase over the research period. Further investigation shows that there is heterogeneity among PLiB firms, with the raising effects on the GVC embedding position being more significant in eastern and middle PLiB firms, private PLiB firms and midstream PLiB firms. The mechanism verification shows that non-subsidized industrial policies raise GVC embedding position of PLiB firms through technological innovation effect and scale economy effect, while competitiveness effect does not give full play. These findings provide important recommendations for better design of the industrial policies to improve the international competitiveness of PLiB industry and other strategic emerging industries.

2. Investigation of arsenic contamination in soil and plants along the river of Xinzhou abandoned gold mine in Qingyuan, China 
Chemosphere, Volume 359, July 2024, 142350


The exploitation of mineral resources is very important for economic development, but disorderly exploitation poses a serious threat to the ecological environment. However, investigations on the advantages of plant species and environmental pollution in polluted mining areas are limited. Thus, a survey was conducted to evaluate the impacts of abandoned mines on the surrounding ecological environment along rivers in polluted areas and to determine the Arsenic (As) pollution status in soil and plants. The results showed that the soil and vegetation along the river in the survey area were seriously polluted by As. The total As content of the 15 samples was significantly greater than the national soil background value (GB 15618-2018), and degree of pollution was nonlinearly related to the distance from the mine source, R2 = 0.9844. B. bipinnata, P. vittata and B. nivea were predominant with degrees of dominance of 0.01–0.33, 0.05–0.11, and 0.06–0.14 respectively. The As enrichment capacities of Juncus and P. vittata were significantly greater than those of the other plants, while the bioaccumulation factors (BCFs) were 21.81 and 7.04, respectively.

3. The valorisation of steel mill off-gas via chain elongation into higher value-added products: A prospective life cycle assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142688


Nowadays, one of the greatest challenges for the steel industry is decarbonisation to decrease its pressure on the environment. For this purpose, deploying carbon capture and utilisation technologies such as syngas fermentation can be instrumental, as they allow carbon in steel mill off-gas to be converted into ethanol. However, as ethanol is of relative low value, technologies that can upgrade it towards higher-value chemicals are becoming attractive. One such a technology is chain elongation, as it can convert ethanol effluents from syngas fermentation into caproic acid, which can subsequently be used as a feedstock to produce chemicals such as plasticisers. As information regarding the environmental sustainability of chain elongation is limited, in this study, a prospective environmental hotspot analysis on chain elongation was performed, assessing climate change and resource footprint indicators, from a Life Cycle Assessment perspective, based on a theoretical scale-up. In addition, climate change impacts of a novel basic oxygen furnace gas (BOFG) to plasticiser value chain integrating the theoretically scaled-up chain elongation technology (PLAST) were assessed and compared with two other valorisation routes, considering a US and a European scenario: BOFG incineration with electricity production (ELEC) and syngas fermentation for the production of ethanol for use as a fuel (ETOH). The hotspot analysis showed that electricity and chemicals consumption, mainly K-acetate, were the largest contributors to both the climate change and resource consumption footprint. For the US scenario, the novel PLAST route showed similar climate change impacts to the ETOH route, while the impacts were 15% higher than those of the ELEC pathway. In the European scenario, with a greener electricity mix, the PLAST route showed similar impacts compared to both the ELEC and ETOH routes. Although uncertainties lie within the results, this study highlights the potential of chain elongation as a part of an alternative carbon capture and utilisation pathway for the steel industry. For this however, further technological advances are required, such as changes in process configurations and increases in caproic acid productivity, which should be the focus of future research.

4. A novel hybrid risk assessment approach under fuzzy environment in steel industry
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 133, Part F, July 2024, 108655


This research aims to emphasize the importance of risk assessment in industries, with a special focus on the steel industry, which is known for its risky nature. This research introduces a practical and novel approach to hybrid fuzzy risk assessment to identify, analyze, and reduce potential risks. This research considers the vague feelings and experts' diagnoses more accurately by using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method in a fuzzy environment. The proposed approach involves implementing FMEA to assess risks in a fuzzy environment, followed by proposing corrective actions to mitigate the identified risks. The Root Causes of Risk (RRC) correspond to the detection factor, and Monitoring Operation and Control and Risk Reduction Actions (MOCRRA) are provided to increase the detection factor. The effectiveness of the proposed corrective actions is evaluated using the new fuzzy number ranking method based on the Average of Fuzzy Risk Priority Numbers (AFRPNs) and Average of Modified FRPNs (AMFRPNs). In addition, this research introduces the Hierarchy of Controls Model for Hazards in Steel Industry (HCMHSI), which is an applicable model in the steel industry, and presents the results of incident risk analysis. The results of the research show that the greatest risk is related to, "cutting and crushing fingers between rollers” (RID G) followed by "breaking nails under vertical moving wheels” (RID E). And it is "fall”. in contact with molten materials” (RID P). The findings indicate a 28% reduction in the risks of accidents identified in the case study.

5. Environmental impact assessment and remediation decision-making of a contaminated megasite: Combining LCA and IO-LCA
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 462, 10 July 2024, 142586


Environmental impact assessment is crucial for the green and sustainable development of contaminated sites. Although life cycle assessment (LCA) is a widely used quantitative approach for environmental impact assessment, its application in the context of megasite remediation is relatively limited and does not consider impacts on the entire industry chain. In this study, the LCA method and actual engineering data were used to carry out a detailed environmental impact assessment and decision-making on two remediation alternatives for a contaminated megasite in China. Subsequently, employing the input-output LCA (IO-LCA) method with Chinese local data and cost breakdown, a further environmental impact assessment of the selected alternative was performed. The findings revealed that Alt 1, which combined multiple remediation technologies, achieved a superior overall environmental impact score of 6.94 MPt compared to Alt 2, primarily based on landfill (score of 7.89 MPt). Despite the considerable uncertainty in the LCA results, Alt 1 had a 98.1% probability of outperforming Alt 2. In terms of the entire economic chain, the selected Alt 1 was estimated to emit 1.06 × 1010 kg CO2-eq, 6.06 × 106 kg of PM, 4.8 × 106 kg of NOx, 3.49 × 106 kg of SOx, 5.06 × 105 kg of COD, and 3.29 × 104 kg of NH3-N. The IO-LCA results indicated that LCA may substantially underestimated the environmental footprint of contaminated megasites remediation. This study provided valuable insight into the environmental assessment of contaminated megasites remediation and the selection and optimization of alternatives from a green and sustainable perspective.

6. Assessment of sulfonamide contamination in aquatic environments: A first report for Argentina and environmental risk assessment
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 934, 15 July 2024, 173139


The global surge in pharmaceutical consumption, driven by increasing population and the demand for animal proteins, leads to the discharge of diverse pollutants, including antibiotic residues, into water bodies. Sulfonamides, being water-soluble compounds, can readily enter surface run-off, posing potential risks to non-target species despite their low environmental concentrations. Latin America has implemented intensive production systems highly dependent on antimicrobials for productivity and animal health, yet there is a paucity of information regarding their concentration in the region. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of sulfonamides in water and sediment samples and assess their potential ecological risks through an environmental risk assessment. The Río de la Plata basin collects the waters of the Paraguay, Paraná, and Uruguay rivers, together with their tributaries and various wetlands, passing through the provinces in Argentina known for their significant animal husbandry production. Two sampling campaigns were carried out for sediment, while only one campaign was conducted for surface waters. The samples were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). None of the examined sulfonamide antibiotics were detected in the sediment samples from both sampling campaigns. In contrast, sulfadiazine (95 %), sulfamethoxazole (91 %), and sulfathiazole (73 %) were detected in the water samples. Sulfadiazine was found in the concentration range of 8 to 128 ng/L, while sulfamethoxazole and sulfathiazole were observed at concentrations ranging from 3.0 to 32.5 ng/L and 2.9 to 8.1 ng/L, respectively. Based on the environmental risk assessment conducted using the sulfonamide concentrations, most samples indicated a medium risk for aquatic biota, with only one sample surpassing the high-risk threshold. This study represents the first report presenting data on the presence of sulfonamide antibiotics in the aquatic environment of Argentina.

7. The improvement of the social credit environment and corporate ESG performance - evidence from the "construction of china's social credit system"
Finance Research Letters, Volume 65, July 2024, 105565


This article explores the influence of the social credit environment on corporate ESG performance in China. By analyzing the impact of China's initiative to build pilot cities for the social credit system, the study introduces a unique approach to assessing corporate sustainability. Findings indicate a positive relationship between an enhanced social credit environment and superior corporate ESG performance. This relationship is notably stronger among NSOEs and in limited marketization regions, highlighting the significant role of the social credit system in fostering corporate sustainability practices. The study's insights contribute to the discourse on the interplay between societal factors and corporate governance.

8. Test of a moderated serial mediation model of management commitment to the ecological environment
International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 120, July 2024, 103785


The purpose of our paper is to assess the interrelationships of management commitment to the ecological environment (MCEE), harmonious environmental passion (HEP), task-related and proactive pro-environmental behaviors (PEB), and qualitative job insecurity (QJIS) in a moderated serial mediation model. Data gathered from hotel customer-contact employees were utilized to gauge the aforementioned links. The results from the partial least squares structural equation modeling suggest that HEP and task-related PEB mediate the linkage between MCEE and proactive PEB in a sequential manner. The results further suggest that QJIS mitigates the influence of MCEE on HEP. More importantly, QJIS reduces the indirect positive impact of MCEE on proactive PEB through HEP and task-related PEB such that the indirect positive impact is lower among hotel employees with high QJIS than among hotel employees with low QJIS. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

9. Influence of impurity content on corrosion behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys in a tropical marine atmospheric environment
Corrosion Science, Available online 24 July 2024, 112319


The influence of impurity content on the corrosion behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys in a tropical marine atmospheric environment was systematically investigated. Combined with experimental measurements and theoretical calculations, it has been elaborated that the Volta potential difference is the main reason for the localized corrosion. The composition-property correlation has been established between the impurity contents, the type, size, and quantity of precipitates, and the corrosion behavior. The effects of impurity contents on the volume fraction of precipitates and corrosion parameters such as corrosion rate and average pit depth have been quantified, offering quantitative guidance to develop novel Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys.

10. Connection patterns and resilience simulation of innovation network in the context of technology transfer: A case study of strategic emerging industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 106, 1 July 2024, 105396


Technology transfer is crucial for the flow and reconfiguration of regional innovation elements. Besides, leveraging network methodologies effectively uncovers regional knowledge exchange and transfer patterns. Combining the "Buzz-Gatekeeper-Pipeline” model, this study introduces a comprehensive analytical framework that utilizes a patent transfer database to characterize innovation network types, identify connection patterns, and enable resilience loss simulation, elucidating regional technology transfer types and connection patterns from a network perspective, delineating the evolution and potential causes of network structural resilience loss, and finally establishing a list of differentiated and hierarchical innovation network management strategies. Focusing on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, this empirical study reveals the following: 1) Technology transfer primarily occurs between different enterprises. However, on average, knowledge products from colleges/universities and research institutions boast relatively high technical contribution efficiency to enterprises. 2) The innovation network is driven by the "Technological Gatekeeper” as the main connector. Four types of innovation communities—isolated, insider, seeker, and networked—are formed based on different combinations of "Community Buzz” and "Regional Pipeline”. 3) A significant positive correlation exists between innovation network connection patterns and network structural resilience. The impact of different types of "Regional Pipelines” on network structural resilience varies significantly.

11. Greenhouse gas Emissions Deployment (GED): A novel Lean method for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in industrial environment
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 48, July 2024, Pages 29-45


This paper presents a novel methodology specifically developed for measuring and reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in production systems and logistics, named Greenhouse gas Emissions Deployment (GED). Thanks to its step-by-step procedure, it enables industries to systematically identify GHG emissions caused by organizational losses, ineffective usage losses, and design losses that need to be tracked and removed in order to operate in the most efficient and environmentally sustainable way. By customizing the Manufacturing Cost Deployment structured use of matrices, GED can detect losses, evaluate cause-effect relations, and support improvement prioritization. First, the losses affecting emissions are identified and their relationship is analysed to identify the underlying causes. Each causal loss is then evaluated according to the total amount of emissions it generates, which are also converted into appropriate economic terms. Finally, to select the correct improvement actions, a cost/benefit analysis is performed based on technical and economic factors that include both cash flows and the marketing impact on the end customer due to the commitment to sustainability. The proposed approach was applied to a major company operating in the plywood production sector in order to demonstrate its validity and effectiveness in production systems.

12. Asbestos Surveillance Program Aachen (ASPA): Cancer mortality among asbestos exposed power industry workers
Lung Cancer, Available online 25 July 2024, 107899



The time between initial asbestos exposure and asbestos-related disease can span several decades. The Asbestos Surveillance Program aims to detect early asbestos-related diseases in a cohort of 8,565 power industry workers formerly exposed to asbestos.

Research questions

How does asbestos exposure patterns affect cancer mortality and the duration of latency until death?


A mortality follow-up was conducted with available vital status for 8,476 participants (99%) and available death certificates for 89.9% of deceased participants. Standardised mortality ratios (SMR) were calculated for asbestos-related cancers. The SMR of mesothelioma and lung cancer were stratified by exposure duration, cumulative asbestos exposure and smoking. The effect of age at first exposure, cumulative asbestos exposure and smoking on the duration of latency until death was examined using multiple linear regression analysis.


The mortality risk of mesothelioma (n = 104) increased with cumulative asbestos exposure but not with exposure duration; the highest mortality (SMR: 23.20; 95 % CI: 17.62–29.99) was observed in participants who performed activities with short extremely high exposures (steam turbine revisions). Lung cancer mortality (n = 215) was not increased (SMR: 1.03; 95 % CI: 0.89–1.17). Median latency until death was 46 (15–63) years for mesothelioma and 44 (15–70) years for lung cancer and deaths occurred between age 64 and 82 years. Latency until death was not influenced by age at first exposure, cumulative exposure, or smoking.


Cumulative dose seems to be more appropriate than exposure duration for estimating the risk of mesothelioma death. Additionally, exposure with high cumulative doses in short time should be considered. Since only lung cancer mortality, not incidence, was recorded in this study, lung cancer risk associated with asbestos exposure could not be assessed and the lung cancer mortality was lower as expected probably due to screening effects and improved treatments. The critical time window of death from asbestos-related cancer is between the seventh and ninth decade of life. Future studies should further explore the concept of latency especially since large ranges are reported throughout the literature.

13. How does optimizing the business environment affect the capital flows between northern and southern China? From the perspective of enterprises' location choice for out-of-town investment
International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 94, July 2024, 103295


Studying the impact of the business environment on capital flows between northern and southern China is vital for enhancing economic growth and reducing regional economic disparities; however, the micromechanisms of how the business environment affects the capital flows between the north and south have not been adequately explained. This paper attempts to explore the mechanism of how the business environment influences capital flows from a micro perspective, namely, the location choice of enterprises for out-of-town investments, through the analytical framework of business cost theory. By constructing provincial panel data using the business environment and listed companies' out-of-town investment data, the study finds that (1) optimizing the business environment in the target investment location significantly promotes cross-regional capital flow, especially among nonstate-owned and mature enterprises. (2) Asymmetry exists in the promoting effect of the business environment on capital flows between the north and south, with capital flowing more into the southern regions due to differences in the business environment of the investment destinations. (3) Reducing market and institutional transaction costs is how the business environment leads capital to flow into the northern and southern regions, respectively. Therefore, from the perspective of enterprises' location choice for out-of-town investment, this paper confirms the existence of a "siphon effect” in optimizing the business environment, providing an important micropathway to address the unbalanced and insufficient development between the northern and southern regions of China.

14. Multivariate optimization of organic matter and color removal from textile dyeing industry wastewater by ultraviolet-activated oxidants
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Volume 452, 1 July 2024, 115572


This study investigated the efficiency of ultraviolet (UV) activation of the oxidants that are used in advanced oxidation processes in textile dyeing industry wastewater treatment with high concentrations of refractory organic matter and strong color. The effect of peroxymonosulfate (PMS), peroxydisulfate (PS), hydrogen peroxide (HP), percarbonate (PC), and chlorine as oxidants in UV-based processes was first evaluated. The two processes with the greatest removal efficiency were determined as UV/PS and UV/PMS. Then the operating parameters for UV/PS and UV/PMS were optimized by the Box-Behnken Design (BBD). Process parameters for both processes were oxidant dosage, initial pH, and reaction time whereas system responses were chemical oxygen demand (COD), UV254, and color removal efficiency. Under optimum conditions in the UV/PS process (pH 5.54, PS dosage 24.4 mM, and reaction time 117 min), COD, UV254, and color removal efficiency were 83.21 %, 92.14 %, and 93.87 %, respectively. Under optimum conditions in the UV/PMS process (pH 5.83, PMS dosage 23.1 mM, and reaction time 120 min), COD, UV254, and color removal efficiency were 66.89 %, 78.45 %, and 96.89 %, respectively. The R2 of all the models that applied for the system responses of both processes was nearly one and the adj R2 values were very near to the R2 values. These findings showed that the BBD is efficient, suitable, and significant in modeling the removal of pollutants in textile dyeing industry wastewater by UV/PS and UV/PMS processes. Electrical Energy per Order (EE/O) calculations for UV/PS and UV/PMS processes were 101 and 167 kWh/m3 for optimum conditions, respectively. The results showed that both UV/PS and UV/PMS processes are effective; however, the UV/PS process is more economical and effective concerning pollutant removal efficiency and EE/O calculations.

15. Optimizing sustainable multimodal distribution networks in the context of carbon pricing, with a case study in the Thai sugar industry
Energy, Volume 298, 1 July 2024, 131273


Transportation is a major cause of energy consumption and emissions which can be reduced by optimizing routings and using alternative modes of transport. This paper relates to the strategic design of multimodal transportation networks. It presents a general model of green vehicle routing problems that supports strategic decision-making by identifying optimal solutions and provides data on costs and emissions. Three general linear programming models were developed that optimize multimodal distribution networks that could be applied in many industries. Model I evaluates carbon emissions; model II assesses carbon emissions and capacity constraints; and model III establishes total costs including transportation, handling, storage, fuel and carbon costs.

Thailand is the third largest world sugar exporter in the world and is piloting carbon pricing, which will affect energy intensive industries, including the sugar industry. The models are applied using data obtained from a collaborating company. The research contributed to practice by informing managerial decisions relating to the export of sugar from the factory. This included evaluating the possible use of a dry port with rail connections, which could reduce transportation and carbon costs by 54.3 % and facilitate the building of another factory to increase exports.

16. Investigating dual-functional Al-doped stannic oxide nanorods towards photodegradation of real industry wastes and dye-sensitized solar cell application: An experimental and theoretical interpretation
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volume 40, July 2024, e00948


In this work, we demonstrate a uniquely designed Tin (IV) Oxide (SnO2)-based nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications. Here, the Al-doped SnO2 nanorods (NR) at various concentrations ranging from 3 wt% to 9 wt% carried out following facile co-precipitation technique which induced synergic structural, optical and electrical properties in resulting products. Further, the Al-incorporation induced considerable changes to the structural, optical, and electrical characteristics turning SnO2 nanorods to Al-SnO2 nanocubes (NCs). Resulting changes from nanorod to nanocubes were closely monitored using various characterization techniques, which were then effectively utilized for photocatalytic degradation of important textile industry dyes, encompassing both cationic (MB, CV) and anionic (EBT) types. Optimal Al-doped SnO2 NC (6 wt%) demonstrated significant degradation efficiencies for organic pollutant and textile industry effluents under direct sunlight exposure. On the other hand, combination of optical and electrical properties was utilized in dye-sensitive solar cells (DSSCs) to achieve noteworthy efficiency of 6.33%, surpassing that of previous reported SnO2-based nanostructures. These exceptional performance nanomaterials can be attributed to the optimized morphology of the nanocubes and the reduction of the band gap from 3.24 eV to 2.75 eV facilitated by the introduction of aluminum dopant. Furthermore, synergic combination has also improved visible light excitation, substantially decreased resistance to charge carrier transfer phenomenon, improved the charge carrier concentration, as well as considerably decreased the electron/hole recombination rate. Therefore, presence of Al in SnO2 nanostructure has considerably improved the opto-electrical properties that were interpreted following theoretical studies. Therefore, study gives simple nanomaterials having both the photodegradation and dye-sensitive solar cell (DSSC) performance of the SnO2 nanostructure, as a cost-effective energy conversion and water pollution remediation tool for the near future.

Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Các tin khác

Vietwater 2024 không chỉ quy tụ hơn 450 nhà triển lãm hàng đầu đến từ hơn 25 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, mà còn thu hút hơn 10.000 khách tham quan thương mại chuyên ngành.

Tên Yagi, được sử dụng để đặt cho năm cơn bão nhiệt đới ở Tây Bắc Thái Bình Dương và Nhật Bản, có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Nhật, nghĩa là “con dê” hoặc “chòm sao Ma Kết”.

Sự gia tăng nhiệt độ khiến lượng carbon thải ra từ đất tăng từ 7% đến 17% tùy mức độ ấm lên. Hiện tượng này là do các vi sinh vật trong đất hô hấp và chuyển hóa carbon thành CO2.

Sản phẩm cấu kiện bê tông thương hiệu AMACCAO

Tiên phong ứng dụng mô hình kinh tế tuần hoàn và công nghệ hàng đầu, Châu Âu Nam (AMACCAO) ghi dấu ấn với loạt giải pháp vật liệu, sản phẩm mới, đáp ứng xu thế phát triển ngành xây dựng, mở ra lời giải cho bài toán xây dựng bền vững, tiết kiệm.